Hear this!


Doctor BenQuillity
May 7, 2001
Visit site
Okay, as my idea about a single "DT-forum-sample" from Damage Done has gained some modest support, I'll try to push it further now. Here are the rules:

1. Only ONE(1) song will be "pre-reviewed" by us all. If you want to experience the other songs, you know what to do - but keep it out of here, please!

Note: Hours Passed in Exile has been repeatedly recommended and unless someone objects (or subjects :p), I choose it as our common song.

2. The aforementioned song will be spread to every regular user here. By regular I mean people who have posted several times on this particular forum and who are known as nice and interesting persons :rolleyes:. In other words, do not spread it to newbies as of yet - they can get it from other places. Elitism? Well, yes - but I feel that is necessary to not piss the band off by spreading their songs illegally all over the world on their own forum.

3. The method of spreading the song should be as follows: Someone here, who has the song in mp3-format and who can send it to others via e-mail or other channels should reply on this thread. Then, people who want to participate should PM that person so that they could together negotiate the best method of file-transfer. Alternatively, if that IRC-channel idea of Misanthrope works well, that can be used as well. However, see "2" before you spread the song to everyone.

4. The chosen song will be discussed in a civilized way on a specific thread. Deep analyses are preferred, but well reasoned comments along the lines of "I like/dislike it because..." are acceptable as well. We can also try to figure out the lyrics, if that seems to be possible.

5. All this is not intented to jeopardize the interests of the band or Century Media - quite contrary. This way we can do what CM should have done in the first place immediately after the leak - ensure that people who want to support the band won't be left into an inferior position against the pirates.

If someone from the band objects all this, I ask him to tell it to us here and we can dump this subject until 22nd of July. If that does not happen, I assume we have the "silent acceptance" by the band to do that.

Comments are welcome.

here's my two cents:

1. absolutely. i stress the keep it out of here part: while agreeing to this we agree to be strict on keeping the "new songs" topic out of the board, otherwise this is not a deal but more an indulging and giving in to something i personally won't like.

2. agreed on that too. i'll help only ppl i know.

3. my personal stance on the subject is: i don't take pm's about it nor arrange transfers, but i'm (very very often) on #ultimatemetal irc channel.

4. of curse the method of discussion should be the same as always. any opinion accepted.

5. although i'm not sure i can tell what cm should or shouldn't have done, this sounds respectful enough to me: the band gets supported while at the same time no massive piracy accusation can be put forth.

as for the song chosen, any will do imo.

mail is not an option but im ready.

Edit: One thing not mentioned. What about the encoding cuality? the song i have can be considered high fidelity ( 192kbps ) and for space reasons and moral ones people might want lower cuality, alternative to sending just a partial sample. Is this an issue at all?
So I've followed your rules...I've only "tabbed" one verse

Hours passed in exile

What if some things are destined to failure
What if some things are never meant to be
What if someone never sees?
What if someone never opens?
What if we are somehow different?

will anyone continue from here?
ok, I haven't listened the song yet, actually I don't have it....but I can arrange that by my own for sure.....
though I would love some explicit consent from at least Niklas, even I suppose he won't be able to....
I'm glad this forum is full of so many wise people, stopping this nonesense mp3 thingy :)
let's the thing roll
villain, just tell us when the dance begin....may be June 1st????
so we all get prepared???

fathervic (chupi suggestion)
I disagree, since Niklas said just today that on June the 1st an official sample will be put on the site. Let's just wait, then, and we'll have something to talk about for the two months in front of us :)

But maybe we could ask Niklas if we have any chance to choose a specific song. Since so many already voted for HPiE I agree with it, and maybe Niklas could listen to our wishes. Just let's be a bit quick in deciding and asking him :)

Alfred (hours passed in deciding)
I sure feel stupid. I thought we'd agreed on Hours passed in exile and I sat down and figured out the first verse, then the news about official samples came.

I just suck:'(
don't worry silentman..... :)
alfred, well acording to what it's been stated here, if that song happens to be HPiE then we'll all be happy, since we'll have the song we wanted to review, the time we wanted to do it :)
now I HOPE it'll be not a sample, but a full length song *cross fingers*

fathervic (prefering official things, even more colonel things ;) )
Okay, as Alfred wisely pointed out, this idea was made obsolete by the sudden news that the first sample will be out almost-in-time. I guess we all can wait for another week.

About the song, after all this fuzz, I hope it will be Hours Passed in Exile - but I guess that's up to CM to decide as well.

Anyway, less than a week to go and then we can start "legally" reviewing the first song from "double-D"! :hotjump: Be ready then!

-Villain (hothumping)
Originally posted by Alfred
I disagree, since Niklas said just today that on June the 1st an official sample will be put on the site. Let's just wait, then, and we'll have something to talk about for the two months in front of us :)

Yeah i'm gonna go with Alfred on this one....I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. It was a good idea though Villain!
I will wait till the official sample is out.
I hope it is Hours Passed In Exile.
It was a great idea though... :)

Siren (repeating and bye)