Heard the new Maiden "album".

John Silver

Jul 21, 2002
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All I have to say is, this is what happens when Steve "takes things into his own hands".

kidding. They didn't have it when I checked at the local Virgin store. Its on its way, was what they told me. I caught a glimpse of the screen as the person there was checking its availability for me and they made orders for the damn thing on the 6th and the 7th. :rolleyes:
I have it! Like any non US Maiden fan. Sounds great for a Bruce Dickinson solo CD. Accident of birth always comes to mind when i hear Journeyman. So far i enjoy BNw better.
I'm not in the US either and I don't have it. But I was able to get Bnw on the day of release.

quote: Bruce Dickinson solo CD

John Silver said:
I'm not in the US either and I don't have it. But I was able to get Bnw on the day of release.

quote: Bruce Dickinson solo CD

i said it..it has the dull parts of the X factor and Virtual XI mixed with with some heavyness and repetitive chorus of Bruces solo albums.
DOD was much better than I expected.

The title track is a masterpiece-one of Maiden's best songs.

The guitar solo in No More Lies is one of Maiden's best.

Montségur and New Frontier absolutely rock and show innovative new ideas.

Wildest Dreams and Rainmaker are both great catchy short songs.

The last 2 on the album are slow Ballads and a nice finish to such a good album.

The production on this album is Maiden's best yet.

Overall the album rocks, is one of Maiden's best album and has a few classic songs to be.

My only criticism's of this album are Bruce's voice and the Bass.

Bruce's voice sounds a bit tired. Maybe it's time for a new vocalist, afterall Bruce wasn't an original Maiden member.

And the Bass in this album was just good, it had nothing new and there were no Bass solos.
The problem I have is that its just too safe. Nothing really new but Iron Maiden are essentialy the AC/DC of accessible metal.
The same formula again and again.
Its good but don't expect to be blown away.
And for fucks sake lose those lame intros and bass arpeggio things.
So stale and absolutely awful.
I think the production is not so good....especially on Bruce's voice. It sounds almost 'dry' which is not good. He needs more reverb, more depth, and I'm sorry, as far as I'm concerned, the three guitar sound just sounds muddy.
Shame too, the album seems pretty good after a coupla spins.
narcisco said:
The problem I have is that its just too safe. Nothing really new

I'll have to disagree.

Montségur is a completely new idea Maiden have used.

Maiden have used Thrash style interludes on some songs which is a new idea.

And Age Of Innocence is amazing, it goes somewhere Maiden have never gone before with a kind of depressing Metal sound.

All the songs except Wildest Dreams have something new and go somewhere Maiden have never gone before.
My plan is just to give DoD a few listens and then make a compilation with the 4 or 5 Brave New World songs I like along with the DoD songs I deem worthy. So far i don't think Wildest Dreams will make the cut. No More Lies, DoD, Montsegur and Paschedale will make it...still on the fence about Rainmaker, it's a little too 'Bryan Adams' for me. I still have to listen to the rest of DoD to decide on the other songs.

Probably put The Alchemist and Gates of Urizen on it also as bookends.
Profånity said:
All the songs except Wildest Dreams have something new and go somewhere Maiden have never gone before.
You must be kidding man.........even on the first listen I could hear very close relatives of 'Blood brothers' and 'Clansman'.........it sounds like they are running out of ideas.........and the chorus of 'No More Lies' is bloody awful!!!
I hope it grows on me..........