the first some what extreme metal album you heard... and liked

Its all relative. Reign in Blood came out when, in 86? Back then it was one of the most extreme records going.
of course slayer is extreme. for some reason, everybody's questioning that but come on, slayer's written some of the most brutal shit out there :kickass:

Yeah, RiB is pretty extreme, especially since I got it when I was kinda young. I might have been 10, I don't quite remember. It's extreme & agressive. It didn't hit me that hard when I first heard it though for some reason.
I think the fact that metal has become so saturated recently is why generally people (at least newer metal heads) believe you must growl and chug and constantly blast beat to be heavy. Slayer is pretty damn brutal, just 20 somethin years older than new extreme metal. Celtic Frost was friggin brutal as all hell too, but not to new metal heads.

The first extreme metal album I heard was Deicide-"Once Upon The Cross". I was about 10. Scared the piss out of me. The first I actually liked that got me into extreme metal was Hypocrisy-"The Fourth Dimension".
Wow I feel old. For extreme by today's standards it was Carcass - Symphonies of Sickness. I remember buying the album because of the sick fucking cover, and wondering what kind of sick shit these guys would sing about. I was hooked on Excoriating Abdominal Emanation for a long time "... evaporating your bowels, anal muscle riippps..."

For extreme at the time it was Slayer - Reign in Blood. That album just put Master of Puppets to shame. It was half the length and each side of my tape had the full album! The lyrics to Angel of Death are pretty fucking disturbing by even today's standards.
I still can remember the time when I popped Sardonic Wrath into my CD player when I was visiting family in France and I bought it at the local megastore, Fnac, and I heard my first Black Metal album and being totally blown away by it. I was in 7th grade and that was 2005 or 2006.
It was Lamb of God-Ashes of The Wake and/or Slipknot's self titled a friend burnnt off for me. The Slipknot ST CD was great to me, listened to it the whole summer of 2005 along with LoG. And I still like both albums, just need to buy the real Slipknot St CD because the disc is getting old itself.
the first extreme metal song i heard and liked was either carcass' polarized or napalm death's necesary evil.
forgot what year but it was when i thought lamb of god was death metal.
The first extreme metal song I enjoyed was Death - Zombie Ritual. I didn't really get into extreme metal until I heard Amon Amarth - Pursuit of Vikings