the first some what extreme metal album you heard... and liked


Vein-Marbled Tower
May 29, 2008
Berlin, Germany
for me, it would be slayer's god hates us all when i was in 7th grade. i heard the song disciple and went fuckin nuts. about a month or 2 later i got into children of bodom and emperor
Some of the first extreme metal songs I heard were Dimmu Borgir - Sorgens Kammer Del II and Callenish Circle - Sweet Cyanide.

First album? Eh maybe Cannibal Corpse's KILL, not sure though.
The first two extreme metal songs I heard were Dimmu Borgir's "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" and Opeth's "Demon of the Fall". I also downloaded Opeth's cover of "Circle of the Tyrant", and it wasn't until a couple years later that I learned it was a Celtic Frost song. I downloaded these songs for some reason back in early 2003.

My first extreme metal album was Borknagar's Quintessence, back in the autumn of 2005. I bought it along with their Archaic Course album and Arcturus' Sideshow Symphonies. I bought Borknagar's Empiricism the next day.

I still remember that first extreme metal shopping trip. I went with Cookiecutter and his father to the Newbury Comics and Tower Records in Burlington, Massachusetts. Nick bought Behemoth's Demigod, Amon Amarth's Fate of Norns and Bolt Thrower's Those Once Loyal.
Extreme album / band?

Krisiun - Ageless Venomous, back in 2001.

You guys seem to be very young :lol:

If bands like Slayer count, then I would have to say Show no Mercy and Sepultura's Arise (In 1992, when CDs were a brand new stuff down here, and were goddamn expensive).

I'm getting old :zombie:
Pretty sure it was something by Cradle of Filth. I knew a guy during my first year of college who listened to them, and was downloading his music from my dorm's workgroup before I ever started torrenting, buying albums, going to Myspace, or any of that.
First extreme metal band I had heard was Children of Bodom. I heard the songs Mask of Sanity and Hate Me, and I loved it. I still do love the band.

First full album? Epoch of Unlight's The Continuum Hypothesis, not too shortly after hearing those Bodom songs.
My introduction to extreme metal was In Flames. Later In Flames. Yeah I know what you're thinking. After that, finnish melodeath like Kalmah and CoB. Then Finntroll. Then Barathrum (first real black metal band I started listening to) and after that... Just about anything.
Sepultura - Arise (I already had Seasons in the Abyss, but do not consider that extreme metal).

Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients and Entombed - Clandestine are two of the first extreme metal albums I got into as well. Of course, this was way back when those albums were new.