Heart Broken!

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No, that would be Zach's bowel movements. Oh yeah and SR... but mostly the former. I wonder if they would ever combine their powers, or perhaps the more important question is should I seek mental health treatment for such a suggestion? Nah, go ahead guys.
haha. sorry if i upset anyone, I was just really upset and vented...Needless to say I said somethings that should not be said. However I still stick to the overal opinion that most of us seem to agree on!

and zach, i have no gripe with you why make one? can we not just agree to disagree?
Is the overall opinion that InsideOut is the root of all evil in this case?? From what I gather there was a severe lack of communication between them and the band, which is obviously going to cause problems.

*Mike Lepond didnt know he shouldnt have done the interview
*Tour details seemed to be announced before the band even knew about it
*Official sound clips were released before the band knew anything about it.
*The CD cover was accepted as official by IO while at the same time mjr said it wasnt.

The list could go on forever.
haha. sorry if i upset anyone, I was just really upset and vented...Needless to say I said somethings that should not be said. However I still stick to the overal opinion that most of us seem to agree on!

and zach, i have no gripe with you why make one? can we not just agree to disagree?

Nope, you bother me. Plain and simple. And here's a good example why:

and dubya for the record no band could survive without there fans, remember that one!

You're right, but i'm pretty sure the band can survive without you. keep in mind that you and AGX are the only ones getting seriously heated about that. So go ahead and don't buy the album... see where the band ends off there.

anyhow, yeah, you irritate me. I'll drop it though, how about that? It's probably the best you'll do at this point from my perspective. Though i don't know how i'll survive... the Zach is nothing without his fans. I'll remember that one.
Holy Christ some of the people here... F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5F5 GET A FUCKING LIFE.

proulxski, weren't you the reason why the OLD band promotion thread got locked? Your "waaah waah are we there yet?" type of mentality was and is really irritating. Come back on June 26.
i love this forum! i actually kind of enjoy how some people carry around large bags of shit in one hand, and a fan in the other, and just make shit fly...it's great, provides me hours of entertainment while at work. Zach, you and Montu are the best. it doesn't matter what anyone seems to say, you two always have something hilariously pessimistic (and often knowledgeable/well-thought-out). i love the retorts against the whiners, too. symphony x fans are the greatest!
Well, if I may say something (and I probably shouldn't)....

Look, we've all been waiting for this album a long time. Everybody here loves SX's music, so it goes without saying that many of us take a new CD by them very seriously, and we want all the updates we can get in anticipation.

Of course, the band owes us no favors, and we'd have no reason to be upset at anybody if they decided to just ignore us totally and release the CD with not so much as a release date for us. That would be fine. What kind of annoys me, and I think rightfully annoys several others, is that they tried to feign paying attention to us. "Studio updates" would often come with nothing but cryptic statements that most usually came out blatantly untrue. I think it's obvious that a good portion of what we heard was really insincere. How about the time they were going to start mixing or something like that, but had to delay it because of bs like "unforeseen" holiday. Wow, I had no idea Christmas day changed randomly every year, I can see how that was "unforeseen".

My point is, if you need more time to finish your album, fine, go ahead and do it. This is SX, they can take all the time in the world for all I care, so long as for the entire years-long-production duration, they don't keep feeding us bits to hold us off that insult our intelligence like "unforeseen holidays".

I'm not saying it's the bands fault, and I'm not saying it's managements fault, and I'm not saying it's Jax's fault. I don't know what happened, but clearly things didn't go quite right, and I don't think anybody is wrong to feel unamused about the situation. Though perhaps some of the points could have been made more tactfully.

I would feel better about the situation had I been looking forward to a metal album too, but oh well. What's happened happened. If you don't like the way the website was maintained, not much can be done at this point, but it's good your opinion is voiced. If you're not sure about how the music came out, then well, I'm sorry, maybe next time. In the meantime listen to V and get over it.
You are far beyond stupid if you can't see his point, what you've been saying in this thread seems to be almost what you'd expect from a religious fanatic
Yup, dude definitely shares some character traits with the fundamentalists. Funny thing in this is he comes out much angrier and more frustrated than Proulski (whatever his name is). What a dolt.:lol:
When you kids are done with the crying you can always snack with :

This thread fails. It's just an album, people. Regardless if it's your favorite band or not, it's JUST AN ALBUM. I don't think I've complained once about this album coming out, which is how everyone else should have been. Do something else with your time. There are millions of bands out there that could use the attention as well.
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