Heart flutters

I think this could be referred to as pre-mature heart beats, where your heart beats normally and suddenly you get this weird feeling in the chest area, like you mentioned/ a feeling like your heart missed a beat or something. I used to get this on occasion when I was like ten years old, but it wsa due to the fact that I engaged in WAY to much exercise. I used to ride like eighty miles a week on my mountain bike, and I didn't eat enough to compensate, I would just eat like 800 calories a day and that was it, making me deficient in many nutrients ans essential fats, therefore provoking those occasional occurences with my heart. BUt it would always tend to happen when i was lying down face up.

Once I started eating normally and gained weight that condition went away.

But i have noticed something though, ever since i got together in a relationship which involves two kids and my wife(not legally) this condition returned. Which is mainly due to the high stress levels that I'm in like practically everday. The stress wasn't to bad the first couple of years, but now it could be pretty bad, and it really puts a burden on your health especially your heart if your always stressing out, and its only when I go through a really stessful day when I experience like an episode of that heart feeling.

But it is a fact that pre-mature heart beats are provoked by stressful situations.

My advice if your in such a situation, then this could be the cause and you should seriously consider taking action in currecting the issue.

But of course check with your docter so you know for sure!
Oh yeah, its not exactly considered life threatning, nor harmful but if its stress thats causing it or malnutrition then its an indication of somehting and you should take action in correcting it, by reducing stress, or if malnutrition is the case then you should consider eating right.
i get it some times bu t it doesnt feel as if im missing a beat.. my heart just decides to beat really fast and really really hard for a bit.. so that if i say put something on my chest at the time it'll bounce along with my hert beat.. that sounds funny hehe
but i dont drink any coffee at all, i guess i dont eat properly and i do stress out quite often even tho i dont show it.. hmm....ok, i'll go eat lunch now..