Heart flutters


Sep 14, 2001
Does anyone else get heart flutters?

What I mean by a heart flutter is that the heart seems to miss a beat by half a second or something, and then beats really fast for a couple of minutes as if it's trying to catch up. It happens about a couple of times a month, I think.

Am I going to die soon, or is this normal?

i think its called palpitations or something. you can get it from drinking lotsa coffee and stuff. i get it from time to time. so dont worry, you aint gonna die from it or anything!!!!:D
Originally posted by in2thenight
i think its called palpitations or something. you can get it from drinking lotsa coffee and stuff. i get it from time to time. so dont worry, you aint gonna die from it or anything!!!!:D

Always nice to hear. :D
I don't get those, rustymetal. You're probably gonna die soon. Just kidding. ;) I don't drink coffee or anything with caffeine so that might be it.

Yes, deep pain in heart is not fun. I'm getting sad just thinking about it. :cry:
When i think im in love and think about her, i do.

yea, when my head feels like its gonna explode or when i eat too many french fries my heart feels like it stopped altogether.

together is To Get Her my hearts fluttering now just thinking about her. Im in love i think
These flutters happen when I'm not doing anything though. I could just be sitting playing the guitar or watching telly and... whoopsy daisy, my heart just missed a beat.
yep, same here. it makes you breathe faster for a while and then it goes back to normal. dont worry about it. caffine is the main cause, other 'stimulants' and also stress...
rusty, you might have what's called 'superventricular tachycardia'.

essentially, you have an errant piece of tissue that can sometimes form a closed circuit with your heart, dramatically reducing the time between beats.

it very rarely causes any adverse effects, and i've never heard of anyone dying from it.

there is a procedure to cure it, which involves winding a catheter up to your heart and frying the tissue in question with some sort of ray.

of course, they don't do this unless you really want them to, or it's threatening, because there's always that chance that they can blow out your AV node, and you'd need a pacemaker!
I get them from time to time and I’m certain it’s due to anxiety.

Something similar, my cousin had to have surgery due to heart palpitations. We were driving back from seeing Saving Private Ryan and all of the sudden his medication decided to stop working and his heart began to beat VERY fast and make itself visible through his shirt. On the plus side there was a hospital close by AND I was able blow through two red lights, which may have not been the wisest thing given his condition and the fact I was, well, blowing through red lights :lol:, but it had to be done, scary thing seeing a heart beat like that.
I have a form of dysrhythmia, rustymetal. This might be what you have. It shows up in cardiograms or whatever, and acts up whenever I'm very stressed. (the same off-beat heart beats, and an occasional flurry after that). You should see a doctor.
Originally posted by Xtokalon
I have a form of dysrhythmia, rustymetal. This might be what you have. It shows up in cardiograms or whatever, and acts up whenever I'm very stressed. (the same off-beat heart beats, and an occasional flurry after that). You should see a doctor.

Damn. I'd just about dismissed it.

Thank you.

Also, is it dangerous at all? Am I likely to drop dead?