

Dec 29, 2005
North Cape
Hey, guys..

I've seen links to for example Bifrost on Cronian's web page, and I've noticed that at least Øystein wears a Mjøllnir pendant. Are any of the guys in the band åsatruers?

Just a small !:WARNING:!

It is really important for anyone looking into Åsatru to remember that it's not racist or nazi. It's not descriminating at all, though many neo-nazis use Åsatru for an excuse for violence and racism. Nazis and racists have values that collide so much with the values of Åsatru, that they can't be considered Heathens. Many websites describe Åsatru pretty well, but they have an underlying racistic opinion. Be very cautious if you look into Åsatru, and take everything with a pinch of salt, as we say in Norway.
well, a bit off-topic: Varg Vikernes is foolish? I don't think so... he knows history better than a lot of people... and he seems to be a very centred, sincere and logical person...in fact some will claim "how could you say that? he made a big shit that fucked up his life"( I personally think he was actually defending himself from Euronymous. so he had no choices but to kill the perpetrator in order to guard his own life.)... shit happens... well I'm basically saying that there are "racist" people more peaceful (he is not like "let's drop bombs on negros", he is more like "they better stay away from our land because they have their own original land". He is just defending his peaceful convictions for a better world, and I imagine that if every ethnicity were to their original land, it would be better for the world really...it's just a thought of mine) and rational than "non-racists".
Varg IS foolish (at least he is a bit more levelheaded now though...in his own way), and people's actions are not based on their ethnicity...
Not to mention that the whole "this land is our land" is such a faulted way to put things into perspective; for example, what would happen if all of a sudden your land became barren? You would either die, or move onto to someone elses land...and then it comes full circle into another predicament.
I would rather die... set guillotine on and I'm serious. now I think your point sucks( since, for example, no land will be engulfed for the sea in like 1 billion years)...inversely, the world is just going path down because of this so-called globalization effects on earth( I heard someone saying global warming? yeah that counts too, there are still a lot of other shit to list....so actually we can have an sponatenous ice era in any moment of the next ten thousand years to follow just because of some 'old' (ok, not all of them are old) morons that wanna earn more money selling their crude oil, products...)...
lowrise said:
I would rather die... set guillotine on and I'm serious.

... and I bet Varg is far way more learned than you, you can't call him a foolish.

I can, however I'm not arrogant enough to even try to argue such a thing or bother trying to back it up; he has every right to express his opinions (depending on how you ground your views that is). And in history there have been catastrophies...hence why the word is in existence...there have been massive plagues, miles upon miles of vegetation instantly dying, and yes - extreme weather changes.

The part about those organizations being foolish is that they rely on data that is completely unsubstantiated and there statements run completely in the face of current scientific data...not to mention sociological and anthropological theories.

I'm not going to bother really arguing; I already can tell how this will turn out, and I want to save the board this trouble. I hope you guys in Borknagar are having a good one, as I hope the same for everyone else here.

and to stay on topic: I follow many of the tenets of the Åsatru way; not because of my heritage (Swedish/Finnish), but because of what it stands for :)
I wouldn't say that Varg Vikernes is foolish. But he is unbalanced and if he has any perspective at all, he hides it well. His rhetoric consist of halftruths, disinformation and misinformation. He's quite good at twisting historical facts, and he does it in such a way that it hints support for his unhealthy ramblings.
Yes, I can see that.
Lets face the facts here: His "wisdom" is extremely limited, where is his empiric knowledge is all of his ramblings? He's only using what others have written before him, except that he puts his own twist on it, perhaps to make it seem that he is an authority within the fields he cover.
What's in his life experience? He has spent his entire adult life in prison, before that I bet he spent most of his time making music or getting drunk, his view on life is one-dimensional at best.
He's just angry, and I dare to say that his anger is tied to how he chose to solve a certain problem in the past. Anger clouds the mind.
Most neo-nazis aren't dumb. they're just foolish. But I know that these people really know how to express themselves in a way that makes their values sound OK. I've read some of the texts on the vigrid web site, and lots of the stuff there actually makes sense, because they know how they can make it sound fine. But it follows twisted values. Believe me, these people know what to say. They even have arguments that say the slaughtering of jews never happened, and still make it sound reasonable. Watch out for such people, because they might very well deceive you.
I’m a huge fan of Burzum music and I try to understand Varg’ ideas by reading everything (only in English, sadly :erk: ) that I can find. I don’t think he is foolish (he knows of what he’s writing about, no doubt on it) nor he is (or pretends to be) an authority. He is an extremely complex character but I won’t waste more time on this.
Concerning the entire Black/Viking/Folk :)ill: :zombie: call it however you want) scene, I think the point is that everyone has to (re)discover his own values (culture, customs… Origin) that are DIFFERENT in each Country ‘cause we are different, that’s a matter of fact (beware! Different, not superior nor inferior… “primus inter pares” as ancient Romans said). Obviously there are some similarities as we are all Europeans.
I’m doing my best to find the pre-Christians customs of Italy and sometimes I use Italian to write some lyrics (Spite Extreme Wing is doing so) and I hope everyone in the world is doing the same (not only people from Scandinavia). That what I “learned” from Burzum.
Anyway… going back to the original question… are you guys heathens?
well, all i can say is, at least here in the "new world" EVERYONE would have to migrate to europe because the "natives" here are most certainly not the people who live here. as in, people from the USA would have to give their land to the native americans since they are all immigrant descendant. Then people would start the in-breeding and begin having related diseases since genetic weaknesess wouldnt have another gene pool that cancels them. and im pretty sure that no one, in no country in the world, would do all the jobs people leave to the immigrants which are obviously considered the lowliest, most denigrating jobs