Be still, O wand'rer!
Originally posted by DT Jesus
Bah, this is just gonna get confrontational. It just appears to me that if I post a couple threads talking about new albums from bands like Enchant and Spock's Beard, I'm prolly not gonna get an outpouring of responses.

....but you gotta forgive me for holding out hope that future PPUSA's will lean as much on the prog side as this one has on the power side. Especially when I could swear that previous PP's *were* more proggy.
Listen Matt, all joking aside, this is the first time Blind Guardian, Edguy, Gamma Ray etc have played on US soil. That's what makes this event a 'history in the making'. Just let us power freaks have fun with the anticipation - we have waited a looong time for a line up like this in the US.
As you say, the previous PP concerts were "more proggy", and I'm pretty sure the next ones will return to form. The crowd of course will revert back to the prog side again too, but just for this year, let the power fans have their share of the pie.