I spoke to Sir Russel Alan and...

General Zod said:

Hell yeah I'm going. Wouldn't miss seeing SX. So, where are we meeting for drinks?


Excellent! And considering that L'Amours is in the middle of a shite-hole industrial warehouse neighborhood in Brooklyn, I guess we'll have to meet at the place and pound brewskis in the back! JayK & I have to be there early anyway to meet the SymX boys. Let's stay in touch and then PM/email near the show so we can meet up. Later dude.
General Zod said:
I believe the bands don't travel with their equipment for PP. I think it's all provided by Guitar Center to make it cheaper on everyone. I could be wrong, but I believe I heard that somewhere.


You would be correct. The festival (via sponsors like Guitar Center) provides the majority of the equipment used (drum kit, backline, keyboards, etc). Bands will usually just bring things like guitars, effects and other small items. Of course, bands that are going to continue to tour the States after the festival (a la Blind Guardian last year) will have a lot more gear with them.

Several of the band members seemed to be impressed with what Glenn provides them with at the show (gear, etc). Of course, there's always that fun time when someone realizes, at the last minute, that they left something at home... :)

General Zod said:

True, true. I'll meet you there. Why are you meeting SX early?


I'll be interviewing Russell & Mike LePond for our new 'zine (hint, hint, click that link down there)! About the show, cool, we'll talk/email toward the end of next week then!