What if Emperor reunited for ProgPower 2013?

I love Savatage, but I saw Weapons of Mass Destruction at PPV, and I saw the Circle II Circle / JOP / Manticora tour, where for the NY show, Jon Oliva invited Zak Stevens and Chris Caffery on stage to play a few songs together. I've also seen two other JOP shows where Zak was invited on stage and sang a few songs with them. As far as I'm concerned, that was the "reunion" for me. I'm happy with that. I'd much rather see Emperor.
I'm also curious, how did Samoth ever get a visa to play here? I thought you had to have a clean record to get a visa? The guy burned a church. Sure you'd want a church burner in Atlanta of all places?
3 Doors Down makes more sense as a headliner than Emperor.

Tongue in cheek or not, this is really absurd. You do realize that Ihsahn went over *huge* right? The place stayed packed and he won a lot of new converts that night. I have had numerous emails saying they never would have thought it.

It makes more sense for those that hate black metal or harsh vocals.

With that said, I would not pursue Emperor. If the opportunity presented itself to me, that would be another matter. Ihsahn & I had long talk in private and he was really impressed with the atmosphere of the festival. He told me I have built the most unique cult in the world with a laugh and that he loved it here.
It was meant to be silly, but I don't know about dumbest comment ever. I've heard both bands and 3 Door Down sounds about as far removed from prog and power metal as Emperor. I guess in some sense Emperor is prog, but then Kanye West is prog too in a sense(critics have called his music "prog rap". Maybe I should have recommended Kanye West instead of 3 Doors Down.
Besides, aren't there already a lot more extreme metal festivals than prog and power festivals in the US? Are there ANY prog or power festivals that get top level bands other than ProgPower? I can't think of any.
It was meant to be silly, but I don't know about dumbest comment ever. I've heard both bands and 3 Door Down sounds about as far removed from prog and power metal as Emperor. I guess in some sense Emperor is prog, but then Kanye West is prog too in a sense(critics have called his music "prog rap". Maybe I should have recommended Kanye West instead of 3 Doors Down.

Oh, I'm sorry then. I thought you were actually being serious, and therefore coming across like those guys who frown upon ANYTHING that's extreme metal. I take that back. :)

But Emperor still makes more sense than 3DD.

And Kanye... prog rap? :lol: That's awesome.
Besides, aren't there already a lot more extreme metal festivals than prog and power festivals in the US? Are there ANY prog or power festivals that get top level bands other than ProgPower? I can't think of any.

Chicago Powerfest *tried* at some point, but they thought it'd be more awesome to bring bands like Soil and BLS and we all know what happened.
I'm also curious, how did Samoth ever get a visa to play here? I thought you had to have a clean record to get a visa? The guy burned a church. Sure you'd want a church burner in Atlanta of all places?

I don't think you can honestly sound like more of an idiot. And that's saying something, because A) I never liked Emperor personally and B) it's coming from you.

Instead of trying to qualify your tastes (we get it, only the softest AOR for your ears please) to everyone, how about just stopping and realizing you're digging yourself into an e-hole.
Oh, I'm sorry then. I thought you were actually being serious, and therefore coming across like those guys who frown upon ANYTHING that's extreme metal. I take that back. :)

But Emperor still makes more sense than 3DD.

And Kanye... prog rap? :lol: That's awesome.

It's true! I still hate it, but the guy throws in all kinds of stuff you'll never hear anywhere else.

And yes, I frown on anything that's extreme metal, although I have been known to appreciate early Bodom.
I don't think you can honestly sound like more of an idiot. And that's saying something, because A) I never liked Emperor personally and B) it's coming from you.

Instead of trying to qualify your tastes (we get it, only the softest AOR for your ears please) to everyone, how about just stopping and realizing you're digging yourself into an e-hole.

Sorry, but that statement was not stupid. And I can't imagine why you would think that. Do you minimize what he's done?
Sorry, but that statement was not stupid. And I can't imagine why you would think that. Do you minimize what he's done?

I'm not surprised that you, who does nothing but post uninformed uneducated guesses, wouldn't be able to imagine why the act of casting hateful judgements on other people just to childishly qualify your own closed-minded music taste is incredibly stupid.

He did his time, he didn't commit any serious offense, and he was a teenager. If homeland security feels that he's good enough for a visa, then that's not your place to argue it. But Mr Mr Grumpypants thinks Samoth shouldn't be allowed play just because he doesn't want his proped-up disillusioned image of the festival changed, although at the end of the day Samoth sells out venues that your favorite bands couldn't draw 10 people in on two continents. Feelsbadman? Cry moar? mad? Glenn already said that he's not actively approaching them either, so why are you still going on about this?
Which part is being judgmental and which part is an uneducated guess? And in this case, it turns out my guess was pretty educated about the visa. He has had trouble getting a visa as it turns out. But I guess that's just the US government being judgmental.
And in this case, it turns out my guess was pretty educated about the visa. He has had trouble getting a visa as it turns out. But I guess that's just the US government being judgmental.

Actually, I implied the majority of your posts are uneducated guesses, not just this one. And guess what, I'm still right! The first go around of the reunion shows he was denied a visa, but he got in a year later and played Maryland Deathfest 2006 with Zyklon and 3 shows with Emperor. Oh and he also played the US many times before they broke up the first time. :)

As for being judgemental, you figure it out.