Heaviest song ever?

Danallica said:
ok this is gettin wierd...

Just yesterday I downloaded Fisheye by Apocalyptica... I had never heard them before. I have to say, that song is pretty fucking heavy.
Doomcifer said:
uuhm...a lot of you guys misplace HEAVY with brutality.

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

I agree. But most songs off Today Is the Day's In the Arms of God, are what I consider heavy.
When I think heavy, I think of a song that absolutely crushes me. When I listen to some brutal bands, like Krisiun, it's more like being on a rollercoaster. But Suffocation, their clones, and NYDM in general really crush me with the brutality and that little element of slowness they add.
TylerTheNuke said:
Here is a toughie, or at least I though it was when my friend asked me. Can you actually define heaviness? Nowadays, people tend to define heaviness as brutality, but that isn't quite right.

I agree.

Death Metal for example. I love it but majority of the time the music does not sound heavy. Death Metal is like black metal in a sense it's lower fi compared to other music. The guitars no longer sound loud or heavy. Some black metal bands actually do have more real sounding tone with a more vibrant sound.

Fast single notes sound a lot more cool when your guitar is so distorted the sound is broken up. A lot of death metal bands especially from the last 5 years sound like someone hooked together 5 shitty distortion pedals, no tone or anything.

Tone leads to heavyness. Some people don't know how to use gain.