Heaviest song ever?

Almost anything from Circle of Dead Children.

Woods of Ypres - The Shams of Optimism
Demilich's only demo
and Ulver's heaviest album: The Madrigal of the Night: Eight Hymns to the Wolf in Man

Xorv said:
and Ulver's heaviest album: The Madrigal of the Night: Eight Hymns to the Wolf in Man


HOW THE FUCK is that album HEAVY?! The production is so damn thin/sharp, it makes your ears bleed. People would call it "cold" ...or w/e to describe. Almost the antithesis of heavy.
Xorv said:
Almost anything from Circle of Dead Children.

Woods of Ypres - The Shams of Optimism
Demilich's only demo
and Ulver's heaviest album: The Madrigal of the Night: Eight Hymns to the Wolf in Man

Demilich have several demos.
Miss*Lie said:
yes, you're right... heaviness does not mean brutality. It depends on each concept we have. In terms of brutality maybe I can mencione bands like Vital Remains, Lock Up, old Cannibal Corpse, Dismember, Six Feet Under and so on.
In terms of heaviness depends once again on your concept... some people can say that Helloween, Manowar, Megadeth, old Metallica, even Dream Theater are really heavy, because somehow they are considered heavy metal bands...but in my opinion the concept of heaviness is more about bands like Dark Tranquility, Carcass, At The Gates, In Flames, Terrorizer, Morbid Angel...

I'm a big morbid angel fan and always forget. I agree with them being heavy for a death metal band. Trey likes to find cool tone and the band has big recording budgets(except for heretic which sounds like shit). I like when guitarists like to find a unique tone over someone who just plugs in not really caring about sound. Altars of Madness,Blessed Are The Sick are not as produced as the following but sound very good for the time.

The following MA songs are pretty crushing and heavy.

Nothing is not, especially the last minute.
Where The Slim Live
God Emptiness
Covenant of death
Inquisition (burn With Me)
Invocation Of The Continual One
Dawn of The Angry
Caesar's Palace

Trey and the band stopped pushing limits after formulus. I hope the bands gets back on track.

I was listening to Formulus earlier and it's very expirimental compared to other MA albums. Trey really goes out on it with his infleunces. I'd really like to hear another MA album in the same vain, just with dave on vocals. FFTTF is a perfect blend of all that is morbid angel.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
This one was much more amusing:

Yeah, I thought that was funny, but I wasn't sure if it was incorrect. Do Morbid Angel really have a song called "Where the Slim Live"?
I was fucked up last night and came on the computer for a bit. Who knows what else has errors.

assholes! :lol:
I think meshuggah are really heavy in a lifeless mechanical way.
I agree with whoever mentioned death. They definatly have moments, although overall they aren't so heavy. This coming from someone who owns two death albums. I think that his vocals are the heaviest part, and the chorus to zero tolerance where he sings off beat owns the heaviness meter.
Ticks and leeches by tool has a real heavy ending, or so I remember. Its been a while.
I feel like a fanboy for mentioning this band three times in two weeks, but King Crimson has some real heavy moments like thrak and larks tongues in aspic part ii. And, sticking to oldies, Queen had some real heavy guitar tone somewhere on queen II. It was beastial. I think there was a shot on ogre battles and I can't remember what other song.
Doomcifer said:
Uh, yes. They are one of my favorite bands and I consider ITEoG to be the most hated-filled, pissed off album of all-time, and SWP as one of the most schitzophrenic, pure psychotic albums of all time. They can be heavy at times, but not most of the time. When I think of omgwtfz HEAVY!!!111, it isn;t Today Is The Day.

Its a totally subjective thing. After thinking about it, hell, Khanate and skepticism and others are damn thick and heavy. Crowbar's heavy as hell. It all matters on what you like.