heehehahheahhahahaa polka metal hahahaheheahehahahe (aka Finntroll is cool)


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Well this is certainly different (new release Nattfödd). I had always expected lots of folk elements in Finntroll, but this really is polka metal. Dig the Russian "HEY!" chorus bits, haha.
Indeed. If you like the polka stuff, get Jaktens Tid and Midnattens Widunder (or something). Jaktens Tid being my fave.

Even the teaser Trollhammeren EP is better than Nattfodd IMO.
i really like natfödd but i don't think i'd like any of their cds that much if i wasn't able to understand what they're singing about, their lyrics are quite amusing at times. nattfödd is on the verge of beeing too melodic and up beat though and thus risks loosing momentum, but it never crosses the line and delivers some great music when you're in right mood. but i still like jaktens tid more, probably because it's a bit heavier
I can't help but laugh at this, it's fuckin' great! Definitely going to pick some of their stuff up, this is just a promo.
My suspicions were right: after listening to this many times now, this is what The Covenant - Nexus Polaris should have been. This is bouncy without being gay. Although I do like that Nexus Polaris album (especially the absolutely SMOKIN' guitar work) it's just a little too giddy for me.
I shall keep bumping this thread because FINNTROLL KICKS SO MUCH FUCKING ACE!!! Played it for my mom who laughed like hell but loved it: "Weird Al! He'd LOVE this!" and a bro right now: "holy shit this kicks ass!"

Seriously, I need more fucking Finntroll. These dudes are having such a great time I can just picture the Hobbits in the Prancing Pony bar just having a great fucking time! MEAD!!!
I find Nattfodd to be the lesser of their metal albums (Visor Om Slutet is acoustic). Jaktens Tid rules.
it's better than midnattens, but not as good as jaktens tid i'll agree to that. visor om slutet is quite good actually but it feels somewhat pointless comparing them as you've already stated