Heir Apparent live video

I do miss Peter, but Åkesson can play man. I love the classic rock feel he brings, really complements Mikael's bluesy style.

And European crowds, quit clapping on slow parts (it kinda ruined Roundhouse Tapes).
that was fucking badass. I have a good feeling that this album is going to kick Ghost Reveries' ass bigtime
some asshole took my first audio rip and upped it to youtube as his own - is it someone from here? if it is, please die, anyone else feel free to spam his page and call him bad names -
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Fucking hooray! I loved it. Fred and Axe are a seamless fit (of course), and I can only imagine how great a job Jens has done at making this a really tasty sounding album. Man oh man, I'm so fucking psyched for this release!
Perhapse it will grow on me like a wart or something but i only like some bits of it other parts i dont like, also not keen on the widdely widdely, hope i like them at brixton acadamy, loved them before but to much widdely crap can get tediouse.

Yeah, this whole "give me the credit" "give ********* the credit" is getting a bit out of fucking control. How about give Opeth the credit for making a kickass fucking song. Give Opeth the credit for attracting people to go on the boat in the first place. Give Opeth the credit for kicking enough ass to have a forum where people met, and eventually made another forum so they can illegally trade their music without getting caught or in trouble. I appreciate the kid recording it, but any chump there could have done the same thing. Let's not lose focus of who kicks the most ass. In the end, it's Opeth.

Edit: haha i couldnt' even name the forum, but you know what it is by now.
There is no clean vocals, as far as I know it will be the second of this kind after Blackwater Park. The song sounds great, though need time to get accustomed to it:) and the first time Mikael uses a slide!!
some asshole took my first audio rip and upped it to youtube as his own - is it someone from here? if it is, please die, anyone else feel free to spam his page and call him bad names -

I like how you take credit for doing a (apparently shitty sounding) bootleg and releasing it on the net and THEN bitch like a spastic kid about that -OMFG!%&!¤ SOM0NE FUXXING STOLEZ IT FROMEZ ME!!%&¤ IT IZ MIIIIIINE! *cry cry*


I could understand it if you just want to spread it because you like the band, but you seem to expect everyone to kiss your ass and worship you for knowing how to record an mp3 file? I think the kudos should go to Opeth for writing and performing the song. Who the fuck cares about YOU? Really?

On another note, the Opeth performance will most likely NOT be included on the Melloboat 2008 DVD. There's a slight possibility that the jazzy version of Harvest might make it but not the other tracks. For those of you who still want it, for Comus, Sol Niger Within and all the other awesome performances, it should be out in june, around the same time as Watershed actually.