Heir Apparent live video

After a few listens i really fucking like it!! the section for 00:50 to 02:50 is brutal as fuck, awesome riffs!! I confess to being a fan of Nevermore and Akesson's solo gives his section a Loomis kind of feel to the song. I like Loomis's solos but i'm not that sure that Akessons solo works too well in Opeths stuff, just my two cents tho......The Cd mix of this song will be immense, i can imagine the quiet clean riffs being laced with eery effects......will be evil as hell!
I like how you take credit for doing a (apparently shitty sounding) bootleg and releasing it on the net and THEN bitch like a spastic kid about that -OMFG!%&!¤ SOM0NE FUXXING STOLEZ IT FROMEZ ME!!%&¤ IT IZ MIIIIIINE! *cry cry*


I could understand it if you just want to spread it because you like the band, but you seem to expect everyone to kiss your ass and worship you for knowing how to record an mp3 file? I think the kudos should go to Opeth for writing and performing the song. Who the fuck cares about YOU? Really?

That's exactly what i said above, the least you could do is give me credit for saying it. I was the first to make that point, so please everyone, if they are going to reference not giving credit to ken, please credit me first.
Actually all of the credit goes to Mikael's parents because if they wouldn't have had sexual intercourse then Mikael would have never been born and Opeth wouldn't exist and therefore we wouldn't be listening/watching this bootleg. Please give the credit to Mr. and Mrs. Akerfedlt. :)

Btw, the song fucking destroys
You raise good points Jon, but if were doing a strict derivation, then I guess the credit will ultimately go to the Almighty for creating the universe we live in, thus allowing for Mikael and the song to come about. Oh, what a coincidence, they're the same person. So i guess.. Thanks, Mike.
Actually all of the credit goes to Mikael's parents because if they wouldn't have had sexual intercourse then Mikael would have never been born and Opeth wouldn't exist and therefore we wouldn't be listening/watching this bootleg. Please give the credit to Mr. and Mrs. Akerfedlt. :)

Btw, the song fucking destroys

Haha you couldnt of said it any better :lol:
I like how you take credit for doing a (apparently shitty sounding) bootleg and releasing it on the net and THEN bitch like a spastic kid about that -OMFG!%&!¤ SOM0NE FUXXING STOLEZ IT FROMEZ ME!!%&¤ IT IZ MIIIIIINE! *cry cry*


I could understand it if you just want to spread it because you like the band, but you seem to expect everyone to kiss your ass and worship you for knowing how to record an mp3 file? I think the kudos should go to Opeth for writing and performing the song. Who the fuck cares about YOU? Really?

ROFL gotta love the geniuses on this forum. As for acknowledging Opeth instead FYI I wrote to Mikael earlier on his blog thanking him for coming to the boat and for the show, telling him about the bootleg, and asking if he minds it being distributed here.

Anyway, I'm surprised nobody else has released a boot of this yet - hopefully someone still will. And recorded with something better than my shitty camera. Actually there is one other boot coming, that might have better sound. Guess where... :)
nope I only recorded this one, or rather my gf did. I was too busy enjoying the show at the front. :)
How anyone on this forum can decide if the track is great or shit is beyond me, the sound if fucking terrible, nice try whoever recorded it but was the mic in ur fart box at the time?
I think this song is even going to have a greater atmosphere on the album, because we'll be able to witness the fine transitions Opeth use between heavy and mellow sections that they cannot neccasarily dublicate live. I love the riff Fredrick is playing before and while Mikael is using the slide. Good song, looking forward to more in May.