Heir Apparent live video

It sounds like a mixture of quite a lot of their styles actually.. There were many things that reminded me of pretty much every single album of theirs minus Morningrise.
I dont think it sounds like GR at all.. tbh i wasn't to happy with the sound on GR... I only liked a couple of songs. If anything I think it sounds a lot like still life and MAYH and most importantly it sounds like Watershed, their new sound
....what's really the point of the "it sounds like this album but with this albums influence, but with a few riffs from that song on that album, mixed in with some latin influences of the first album" bullshit?"

It sounds like a good song from Opeth.
I don't hear Still Life influences in it at all.
Just because they use some pinch harmonics doesn't mean it sounds like Still Life lol.
Definitely reminiscent of MAYH though. Overall I could care less what album it sounds like as long as it sounds good (which it does).
How anyone on this forum can decide if the track is great or shit is beyond me, the sound if fucking terrible, nice try whoever recorded it but was the mic in ur fart box at the time?

JESUS CHRIST. for the 5,000th time, it's a fucking bootleg recorded on a little digicam, so it won't have good fucking audio EOD

quit your whining, you wouldnt have heard the song at all otherwise. and if you're not aurally challenged it is possible to make out most of the song.
ROFL gotta love the geniuses on this forum. As for acknowledging Opeth instead FYI I wrote to Mikael earlier on his blog thanking him for coming to the boat and for the show, telling him about the bootleg, and asking if he minds it being distributed here.

kendoji said:
You guys sounded great on the boat, and Heir Apparent was incredible. Hope you don't mind the bootleg I took that's been circulating (it's on your forum). Thanks so much for coming and playing.


Dude, you commented on his MySpace. That sure doesn't grant you legal permission to spread a bootleg. I really appreciate getting to listen to the new song (and the bad quality is a good thing as far as providing a teaser without spoiling the experience), but don't sweat the whole credit thing. When people leak bootlegs, they're referenced with little exception as "some guy". If you're a hacker, you become "some kid in Sweden". And anyway, if the forum is as good as you say it is and all populated by old Opeth forum lags, why ruin it with a massive influx of newfags?
I found this song to freaking brutal. Opeth has never disappointed me with their releases so I will give them the benefit of the doubt....
People being dissapointed make me ill...Are you serious? Its a fucking Live bootleg!...And the song sounds like it kics fucking ass...Dark...Some of those Keyboard synths remind me of Emperor.
After watching the video again, well - you can't really hear it, but you can see it (my only problem with Opeth besides the TGC music video). The bass is going to be fucking cool in the new album. We better be able to hear it!
Damn, I said I was not going to listen to it but who can resist? Loved what I could hear, the part at 6:30-45 was killer, the song rocked my socks, can't wait to hear it in the album!
JESUS CHRIST. for the 5,000th time, it's a fucking bootleg recorded on a little digicam, so it won't have good fucking audio EOD

quit your whining, you wouldnt have heard the song at all otherwise. and if you're not aurally challenged it is possible to make out most of the song.


the riffs sound brutal as all hell. per and mendez have really stepped up their game here imoafaik. I also quite like akesson's solo. just imagine, what if this is the "least good" track on the album? goddamn are we in for a ride then.

just kidding. I enjoyed it, but I would like to have better sound quality before I say anything. I do agree that the end sounds very old school Opeth and that's my favorite part of the song. It sounds very evil so far, can't wait for the album.
Its quality. But its probably best not to rate it until the CD comes out. I can see why it was mentioned that Morningrise fans will love this album.