hejallihopa jävla Vintersorg fanatiker!

Yeah Astarte! It is surely a good Avi, eventhough I like them avi´s to be the face of the person behind the nick. And since you have a great pic of yerself... :grin:

-phyros (knows what would make him happy!)
:lol: there about 3 threads about avatars now...

@The Nomad: Thanks... i'm not sure about this avatar :confused:
I love wolves and yours is really cute :D

@Phyros: that's never going to happen :p
well my name's not victor, i'm not from Vic (a local city here) and certainly I'm not a Father (yet)...so I guess my nickname is lame and meaningless....
I even don't like my nickname buuuuuut it's loooooong time since I started using it and now just can't change!
sooooo create a new UM account and start posting from 0
:muahaha: :grin:

nooooooo don't change it,i think it's cool... and it is associated with some picture i find very tender... :)
hahahah that's what you'd like :p

well I guess I'm staying with this avatar.....tender or not, sad or not, blue or blue ;)

fathervic (feeling nice hearing other ppl still like his old avatar :) )
@Mel: Actually, I don't expect anything from anyone (well, except a little from my closest family and my best frien, but apart from that...) I've learned from experience that it only leads to disappointment anyway, so I'm open to everything and don't expect anything. (Guess that can make ppl think I don't care about anything, but it doesn't matter)
ok! You said that you have stopped expecting things from ppl...and I said, untill the day you begin expecting again....
meaning??? well that suddenly you'll find someone interesting enough that you'll start expecting again :p
I know sometimes I get rid of the words that make the sentence, but the essence was there ;)

fathervic (who never lost hope.....ok he did :rolleyes: )
Um, you said 'expecting fjell'... not 'again'. So, now I understand. Maybe I will start expecting things again someday, but I hope not... :cry: I'll just fuck up everything for myself, make myself miserable.
heheehehe if you find the right one, he won't let you fuck things up, and even more he won't let you feel miserable, and you won't feel that anymore :) I can assure you ;)
Originally posted by FatherVic
heheehehe if you find the right one, he won't let you fuck things up, and even more he won't let you feel miserable, and you won't feel that anymore :) I can assure you ;)

What made you think I meant men-issues...? I didn't, anyway.