Hello from fuckin' Hellsinki!!!

Ahh, thanx much, Zsu! I shall peruse this site as long as my internet cafe time runs. :D

Last night, I SAID i wasnt gonna get drunk, but I drank sum of my own cheap booze before i left, bought one beer, but ended up having a screwdriver given to me, ended up having 2-3 pints of beer, 2 ciders, and a white russian bought for/given to me, and i think sum more. Whew. So i only bought like one drink. Woke up hungover at a friends house in Espoo this morning and just got back in. Going to Corner tonight, and again to save cash, I get tanked on my own cheap booze before i go. But ya know how I love Corner fridays! I am gonna be in some crazy company tonight tho so I am gonna TRY to watch it, lest I finally start vomiting. :lol:
Take a Blue1 flight from Helsinki and come visit Oulu. Costs only 39euros/direction. :Spin:

Yeah well, have fun wherever you are and take them pics!
Heya, when i get a job squared away, i'd drop by Oulu man! :D

Well, today I feel like I was run over several times by a train. I was drinkin it up again last night, and while i have drank more in the past, i guess i had the right combo of vodka, beer, screwdrivers, white russians, jager shots, neckshots and long island iced teas to make me feel like this.

But, I gotta really start my practicin with drinking, because in one moment I went a turned a vodka drinking party into a vodka drinking CONTEST with a bet attatched to it, so now i really gotta be ready to win, and i got one week to practice my mind over matter drinking method. :lol: Sometimes I think i actually get a little cocky when it comes to booze consumption. But it was cool, i made it back to my room ok, the Ensiferum fellas told me to get in the cab on their way to the airport so i could be dropped off. I was pretty much sober by that point in time but it was still cool of them, so far no one has left me to die in Finland. And i got some guitar lessons coming too! :D Tho i seriously feel like i was kicked by a galactic mule...must remember, jager mixed with long island iced teas=one killer hangover.
I was pretty much used to it before, and I really got used to it now. :D Yeap...well, time to drink some more of my cheap booze before sitting with a pint. And THIS time I really am just gonna sit with a pint!!! (unless people start buying me drinks again :lol: )

Well, another thing you get used to is the stronger beer here. So your body eventually adjusts. And, well, see, I have a drinking secret believe it or not. But only one person knows my secret(when i told them when i was drunk :lol: )
Fenrir13 said:
and yeah, gotta give the updates when I can! And yep, i came here cuz i love the music, i have friends here, and i like to drink, and now i dont wanna leave
I know the feeling. I hope you can stay (without haveing to go back to the states too).

_Zsuzsa_ said:
Indeeldo. Finnish drunkness is teh legend ;D My fav drinks here are Two Dogs (australian lime beer
It's actually lemon not lime just so you know Zsu, and it's still a bit of a sissy drink, even by our standards. Pity they make you pay so much for it over there. :erk:

Sister Of Sorrow said:
The hostel's called Erottajanpuisto and it's not THAT cheap (60€ per night for a twin room).
Only 20Euro for a dorm, but every thing else about the place kinds sucks if you're staying for more than a couple of days. Sounds likes Tal's doing more than well enough at the Mekka anyway. Not even I saw anything that cheap (then again, I wouldn't have been able to get a 'chick-discount'). If you're running low on fundage though Tal, try the Eurohostel about 2 clicks (km) east of the city in Katajanoka (Linnankatu 19 from memory). It's the cheapest place there is for what you get (20 an night an you only share the room with one other person, two at mose). I just hope scammed an ISIC card..... or a YHI card, they go a looong way. The only thing about it is it's a slightly longer walk than anywhere in town, depending when you knock off htough you can always catch a tram.

Fenrir13 said:
A mere ten euros gets you a bottle of Koskenkorva, which when mixed with juice is actually not so bad. This bottle, after drinking a third of the strong stuff will get your head spinning if you drink without eating a lot(for me anyway but i do have that tolerance), then a couple pints later you'll be well on your way. That way, you get the fun of bars and dont have to spend much at all! Of course, like i said...i find i dont even ask and i get drinks placed in front of me at bars anyway....
That's all it takes for you? Damn. :(

_Zsuzsa_ said:
edit: *insert smoking/moonsorow pic here*
What the HELL is it with that moonsorow shirt!!1! :mad: like every 2nd chick in Finland has one I swear. :bah:
You and me both mate, you and me both.

Well no actually, 5-6 beers would get me tipsy at least I suppose. Takes a shitload of booze to get me truly maggoted though. :erk: Pity.

Tal actually came off as quite intimidating at first huh?

Speaking of which, get your lazy butt lined up with a job before you go ya bum!* :p (*that is if you have to leave soon. Things'll go alot quicker when you wanna go back that way).
Well if i'm honest. I start to feel a slight effect after 4 beers and then after about 7 i'm usually feeling pretty tipsy. If I want to get really drunk I need to drink something stronger than beer such as Super Beers or a Spirit.
Indeed. Then again, a few beers to warm up to make those straight shots go down a lil easier always goes a long way. Perhaps our definitions of 'tipsy' are just slightly askew?

Edit: Do you think the ladies will mind us temporarily abducting their "Women Talk Mk2" thread? :erk:
Hey, I was called hardcore TWICE by someone here. And i outdrink my one buddy up north. Keep in mind also, when i say head spinning, i mean a buzz. I dont mean shitfaced. :D To get me totally shitfaced, it takes a lot more than that, and even then i am sober in about an hour ;) Tonight i am gonna take it easy drinkin but this week is my hardcore regimen of vodka cuz the drinking contest is this weekend and I gotta be in top form for this one.
Fair enough, I just thought one of your comments was misleading. Everything else you've said would seem to contradict that though, so I just wanted confirmation.

No need to get your panties in a twist! :p

Good luck with your wager. ;)
Oh yeah, figured i'd update for my buddies who are coming here/know me: I am right now living with a buddy out in Espoo. This is for at least a week, maybe more. But no worries to my drinking partners, i'll be heading into Hellsinki often for bars and stuff since its close. But the job search continues....Zsu, you and me gotta take over the bureaucratic stuff!! :p :D (and hope to get another singalong going to The Final Countdown :D :lol: )

So far, in my trip to finland I have gotten to explore:

Buddies houses(here and there)
Kuopio(and the ottopoiko/henrys pub)
Corner Bar(best place ever)
Lost and Found(too ritzy for me)
Highlights/Darx(Darx has better music but one never forgets the sight of Jari dancing while drunk on a dance floor)
On the Rocks(pretty cool here! I dig the downstairs)
Chaplin(nice cheap happy hour booze)
Nosturi Rehersal Place(yes, my latest famous place back on Friday)
Of course varies hotels, hostels, and other cities like Espoo. Soon coming: Lake Bodom!!

Latest few people I met as said were the guys from Trollheims Grott and Deathchain up in Kuopio, the rest of Ensiferum that i didnt alreay meet, and Northers bassist Jukka, whom was really cool(and a just a wee bit drunk), when we(me and Pete) ran into him Friday on some street while wandering around Helsinki drunk after drinking out Corner. Yes, more drunken adventures...it seems that once a week at least I end up wandering around the city with some drunken person, or drunk people,(sometimes a random band member). This is now normal anymore.
And where was your camera during all this, damnit??!! :D

And indeed, we shall venture into the deadly forest of offices, prepare for all kind of dangers ;)
Tho I already heard from many sources that having your finnish bf with you helps a lot in these places... mostly because then they see that you are serious.
But let's try it anyway and we'll see what they say.

Hohohoo, can't wait to visit ol' Helsinki again!
I forgot the camera again, damnit!! Sorry bout that, dont worry, i'll bring it over. Yeah, I need to nail me a finnish BF soon or something. I do admit the look on Markus' and Jukka-Pekka's faces(the two i didnt know, I knew Oliver from one night) were funny when they walk into the rehersal studio and see some random American girl there who was done being drunk and on the verge of hungover, chainsmoking(anyone who has seen me drinking knows I smoke ciggs like they are dissapearing the next day) , with Extreme's 'Get The Funk Out' playing in the background on repeat :lol: :lol: This kind of fun just doesnt happen in the states, in the states cab drivers leave me puking in gutters on street corners.

Well, I think things will go ok, cuz a LOT of peopl eare still pushing the cleaning jobs...so as soon as I can.....

EDIT: Well, so much for not drinking tonite, some of my Impaled Nazarene buddies just invited me out. Ahh well, another day another hangover. At least my tolerance will be ready for this weekend.
Fenrir13 said:
and dont worry, my panties ain't in a twist. you'd know if they were ;)
Damn, I'll have to try harder next time. :bah:

Fenrir13 said:
ok, TONIGHT I am going to take ONE DAY of break...really...I am...
Sure-sure, we believe you. :rolleyes: