Hello from fuckin' Hellsinki!!!

Hehe!! Nice pics there, Zsuzsa!! You and your bf are so cute together ;) I got a few from last night at Ottopoiko that I gotta post here. :D And thanks for checkin for me, dude! I'll be doin my own research when I get back and stuff. Hehe...Midsummer sounds insane, i cant't wait to experience my first one :D

I actually figured out a good possible Plan B finally. I got some buds in Philly, where if i talked to them they might be willing to gimme a floor spot to crash on for about 2.5 months for cheap(last week in Sept till 2nd wk in Dec). That way I only worry about very little rent, my own food(i eat cheap), and some odd bills(not much.) In this time I apply for the res. permit in the US(if it doesnt go thru here but i hope it does), since its apparently easier from home country, like I said. Work ass off, then tell family that i'll never ask for anotherr xmas present again if they each help me get back to Finland for good. Then I get a dirt cheap plane ticket since no one in their right mind wants to fly to Finland in December, and bang, get the job permit and a job.

This of course is 'worse case scenerio', the 'middle case' being i get the permit but it takes awhile to find a job(thus making me get the unemployment stuff for longer, i dont wanna but it depends how fast i can find a job) best case being i get the permit, a job, a cheap place to live and well...;) :D
_Zsuzsa_ said:

Is that Ozzy Osbourne?
Profanity said:
Zsuzsa: Any pics of you smoking?


Mission accomplished.

And true, my hair looks kinda orange, but after my own first shock (when we died it) I started to like since you gotta admit that it's unique ;q

@eef: Oh yeah haha, that's him :lol: Broke his leg in a satanic battle with a trash can :D

@Tal: Sounds like a plan, but that would mean that you'd have to go back to Phily for a few months = bad ;/
Have you already been to the embassy? Do you have to pay anything for the residence permit application? Btw in case of permanent staying, you gotta have social security number (sotu) and a Kela card (preferably a pictured Kela card which can word as an ID card later on). And hey! You could also check out the labour office (I'll search for the name and address) where they have all these courses for immigrants! I'll apply there myself because besides teaching you finnish they actually pay you a monthly sum as well! (smthng like 5-600€)
@Zsu: I havnt been to the Embassy yet, but i'll be going Wed cuz thats when the office is open at the police station(not too far from city center.) I get back into Helsinki on Tuesday, prolly just crash at one of the two cheapest hostels a couple of nights, and of course drop by Corner Wed since it usually has a fair amount of people there. But Wed day is when i go, and there is a fee for it, but i think i can get that covered since once i get it I can get the other stuff(like ID and this Kela card thing.) And that would be awesome to take those courses...learn Finnish, get possilbe jobs AND a monthly sum! This can work out well...I just dont know if there is a fee just to fill it out, or if the fee is to process it once its accepted, I hope its the latter, that way at least i'll be dropping mooney to get the permit for sure.

Well, a couple more days in the countryside(I am taking a late bus back Monday and arriving in Helsinki about 6 am Tuesday) then its back to city life. Its been nice to get away for a bit tho, but I am ready for more of my home feeling Corner and its awesome toast(kinkku and mozzerella with chili!)and awesome company.
@Seraphim: :oops: Thank you! And Sony Ericsson T610 uber alles |,,/

@Profanity: Nope, it was taken in may.

@Tal: Those courses doesn't cost anything, neither the application itself. Hope I can go back to Hki soon as well and get these paperworks done finally.

Oh, I've also found a digitalcamera + digitalvideocamera + webcam + mp3 player + whatever IN ONE for the price of 129€! Of course the catch is that it doesn't have optical zoom and is a shitty noname brand, but I'll buy it anyway, because it has a lot of stuff in it, and I don't need any fancy and goddamn expensive cam anyway.
Yeah, its goin good. I mean I am a bit tight on cash(hence hurry to find a job and learnin the cheap ways to get tanked), but i am well. I am a bit nervous for Wed tho, since its application day and I really, really hope they like me enough to be a resident...I am even goin there in my nicer shirt, hair pulled back, etc...ya know, lookin' like id be a decent new immigrant :D I miss some people too but i'll be seein them again soon enough ;)
Fenrir13 said:
Yeah, its goin good. I mean I am a bit tight on cash(hence hurry to find a job and learnin the cheap ways to get tanked), but i am well. I am a bit nervous for Wed tho, since its application day and I really, really hope they like me enough to be a resident...I am even goin there in my nicer shirt, hair pulled back, etc...ya know, lookin' like id be a decent new immigrant :D I miss some people too but i'll be seein them again soon enough ;)

I wish you all the best for Wednesday!!!!!! They gonna love you :headbang:
Fenrir13 said:
best case being i get the permit, a job, a cheap place to live and well...;) :D
Well, if you're looking for a cheap place to live in, you might want to think about living here in Tampere. The apartments here are quite cheap, at least a lot cheaper than in Helsinki area ;)

Anyways, I'm looking forward to meet you, I've got a little surprise for you too :D