Hello from fuckin' Hellsinki!!!

HEY! :p I don't black out THAT easily. In fact, I mean, of...some weekend nights were quite fuzzy and a couple days don't exist at all, but the majority of them do, even though i have been drunk for about 1.5 of the 2 months i have been here. Ok, out of that i'd say about 7 or 8 days of it is fuzzy or doesnt exist. But not bad! Maybe one day i'll meet more people who can tell me what happened :D
It's teh EVIL BOOZE I tell ya! arrr


Btw Tal, for apartement searching I guess yu use these search engines like oikotie.fi ? If not, then I suggest yu use that, it's very handy and also have job and car search. Ask yur roomie to help with translation, or check out the iesaf site for help ;)
Thanks, Zsu! I think I will try that one out. Hehe...last night was a doozy...so i start to DJ, and I take it easy on the booze while II do so, just knocking back some ciders. Near the end of the night, some beer foamed up to much in pints so they couldnt serve it. Not wanting to get good beer go to waste, I save it from a trip down the drain by downing that as well. After slamming a white russian and a shot of salmiakki, I was feelin good. I go drink more beer then end up at a friends house. This is where memory gets fuzzy. I house more and more pints, and apparently i lay down on the floor, turn my head, and begin :puke: . I then woke up wondering why my hair was sticky. Ahh, goodbye to dignity, i don't need it in this place :D

DJ night number two and no doubt i'll be hammered to shit by the end of the night, just to help get rid of this hangover. I began taking a change of clothes with me everytime i go out cos I end up well..not home so much :lol:
Yes, but I mean, is she doing it from 'home' or is she visiting some places in town...... if it's the latter, I hope to go she's not PAYING for internet access. If she was, I had a few suggestions for her.
I'm crashing at my buddy's in Espoo still, and I am using his computer. :D

Ok, so last night was fun, I DJ, get wasted, go to Corner, where I meet up with some people, and Jaska again as well! So before we all know it, a large troupe of us are heading to this one guys house again in Espoo, where we drink more, eat, smoke, talk, etc. So later on, everyone else leaves(I let Jaska know the guys are gonna have a WHOLE lot more booze waiting for them in the states before he left) the guys house except for me, some other drunk guy, and the homeowner. So me and these two dudes whom i just met decide to take a sauna. Drunk. At about 6.30 am. I have no clue why. So then we eat french fries and fishsticks. we then all pass out at random places. But the homeowner was very cool, he gave me a lift back to Leppävaarä, which is my part of Espoo at the moment.

I tell ya, I am glad i bring changes of clothes with me anywhere i go now, cos i end up at so many random people's houses!!! :loco: But its great. I was sorta sad cos I am so close to leaving, but a girl i made friends with there told me to think about it as that i'm not 'going home', i'm just 'going to visit the states for a couple of months' before moving back 'home' to Finland. That actually makes it easier when i think about it like that. :)

And i went and invited more people to my housewarming party. I have a feeling i really will be having a subsequent 'eviction party' afterward :lol:
I leave on the 21st. Tuesday. Arg. I am already gettin a little emotional, when i was hanging with some buds tonight. I might have one more night out tomorrow, we shall see. Man. Like i said, just gotta keep tellin myself I am just visiting the states...I am just visiting.

But yes, we shall party, that's for sure! :D
Hey! Im back from Hellsinki :)
I had a really great time with the UMers many new friends and of course.. my Girlfriend :D
:wave: Fenrir: Did you get home ok the other day? You said something like "I'll be right back" but you never came back :err: Did we scare you away? :cry:
And was that Zsuzsa who sat at your table earlier? I only recognized you but later it occured to me that it must have been her :Smug: The face looked kinda familiar.. or was it the alcohol? :err:

The funniest part of all though was when last saturday at Stella's, I ran into a totally wasted Lolita Vampiria and said something along the lines of "Hi, Im NV from UM! You must be Lolita Vampiria!" and she stared kinda through me into the infinity beyond me and said "Heey... it's yoooouuu.. are yoouu... for reeeeaaaal?" :lol:

Gah.. and tomorrow I have to pack my stuff and if at all possible Im gonna move to a new apartment on saturday.. oh the joy
Northern Viking said:
And was that Zsuzsa who sat at your table earlier? I only recognized you but later it occured to me that it must have been her :Smug: The face looked kinda familiar.. or was it the alcohol? :err:

What? When? Where? :eek:
I think it was friday, Oct 1st, but Im not sure. Oh well.. Let's just pretend it wasnt you so I didnt run past you but someone else ;)
hey, does anybody know any news from talia? she hasn't posted anything in here for quite a long time, has she?
@NV: hm, well it actually does sound like a date when I could have been there, but I think I remember that night, and I didn't go anywhere due to severe throat ache. Yu've been with Lasse and co.?

@Missery: she's fine and drunk :tickled: Still trying to arrange her ticket back to the US with the agencies (god they ARE a pain in the ass... well the finnish ones are pretty helpful, but the americans, bah).
The buddy she's living with in Espoo atm had to give away his comp (or actually it wasn't his comp but anyway, long story :p ) so now she's without the net for a while.
But we agreed yesterday that she'll drop by today and check her emails and prolly post some random insanity here too ;)