Hello, new guy here and a quick question for everyone.


Lord Of Chaos
Feb 17, 2002
New Jersey USA
Visit site
Hey everyone,
I just found this site tonight. Seems pretty cool. I hope to get to know everyone here.
Anyway, I was wondering if Nevermore had any live albums available for import or if there were any live MP3's floating around somewhere. I have been a fan for a few years now and finally got to see them live when they opend for Savatage last fall. They kick major ass live. Anyway, thanks in advance if you can help me out.
Mags is the name...

Well there are lots of mp3's out there_bootlegs, i have DNB tour, WELL SOME OF THEM...
Try the video's as well.
try WINMX the proggie

Hey there.

I'm from the land of oz too... Different part than mags tho.

There is a shitload of live mp3's floating around, try WinMX like mags said... Maybe try audiogalaxy, tho i don't like your chances of finding live shit of there.

There's a few live-videos floating around too.

-Trapped in a corner
Try and get it so that it is around four 'til midnight in america...

That's the best time.

Just type in 'nevermore live' or something. You gotta be vague.
Holy shit, my philosophy teacher would kill my ass! That's where I've heard it! Cool, thanks for hitting me with the dink stick!

Cool quote!