hello, new here...

Originally posted by Filthy Sanchez
well, never thought of it that way..;)
thats it sanchez!! you've done it now.. there will be no turning back!! you have been corrupted and will constantly be saying man stuff and telling your mum to 'have fun' because she's going to the bingo. and you'll discuss the merits of proper doom versus whispering forests doom and not know which side of the fence you are on...
welcome, you will never be the same again.... muhahahahah:flame:
i wasnt talking about the band. i mean the genre of doom that doesnt deal with real life shit.

'my heart is melancholia as the flower is beatuiful. the ghost of my sleep turned and bid me too deep.' and all that shite.
gimme real life in all its heartache and chaos.
Originally posted by Filthy Sanchez
probably i will be somewhere like sweden or denmark, where there is no chance of getting killed.. :grin:



Switzerland is the place!! :p ;) :lol:
No fuckin shit! Switzerland is the sfest place on earth. There are so much money invested there that nobody will ever dare to touch the country... We on the other hand are doomed in everlasting anguish and agony, being in the Balkans and across Turkey... The longets period this country hasn't suffered from war or similar stuff (dictatorships, civil war) is from 1973 till now... Since 1000BC we are fighting others! Gimme another country-nation-civilization-ethnicity that's done that!!!

Fuck it, I love it cos it's a MAN situation we are in!!!
well, we've had wars just like the greeks had, but the situation was the other way around... coming from the inner lands of asia, with slaughters, bloodbaths and stuff like that... first we've finished the natural resources of asia, then moved towards west to find more fertile lands, where the greek civilization was (anatolia). we're about to finish what is left in here, so who knows, maybe the ww3 will start between greece and turkey! (hope not) :p
That won't happen cos we are allies (NATO, later on the EU). Them stupid Yankees will do that... I hope their world domination soon ends... :(
1. hussein is bush's old pal...
2. laden is bush's old pal... (the "green belt", anyone remembers?)
3. that korean retard is nothing but an idiot that thinks he can use his nukes and bombs whenever he can..
4. same comment goes to bush.. moreover, when they leave him alone, he chokes with a pretzel and nearly kills himself, but ironically he decides on 3rd world countries' destinies..

(getting pretty political in here..)
Yeah but how long back to they go? Greeks fought Persians (today's Iranians) in 400 BC... Our history is covered in blood, war and death...
Originally posted by Filthy Sanchez
2. laden is bush's old pal... (the "green belt", anyone remembers?)

Bin was trained by the CIA to fight Soviets in Afghanistan... Hehe... It's so surreal...
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Well well... I was just listening to Ancient Rites - Aris, a song about war. It's the BEST BLACK METAL song ever. And not your fucking hail Satan shit. The lyrics also deal with the Persians and stuff

Gunther from AR used to visit Greece very often... And ARIS is the god of war and the name of the team I support!!! :rock: