hello, new here...

Sorry for the size but this is THE best BM song like I said, no argueing about that.

Ancient Rites - Aris

Hear me, ancient forefather (Ambiorix)
Honoured be Thy deeds
Leading our tribes against the aggressor
Outnumbered, a campaign that could not be won
(But forever Thy blood in my veins)

Gracious Spartan civilisation
Eternally blesses Thy war spirit
Surrounded by thousands of Persians
"Molon lave" a final proud statement
(None of thee survived
but Thy Hellenic glory is everlasting)

Noble was your cause, brave Vercingetorix
Sad the day of your sacrifice
An example to your Celt tribe
Dying in solitude
(But Thy soul) forever in my heart

Remember the moment Jerusalem fell
The shrieks of the conquered, the conqueror's yell
The roofs that we fired, and the plunder we shared
The wealthy we slaughtered, the lovely we spared

Aris! And Aris shone!
Mars! And Mars rose!

Aris! And Aris shone!
Mars! And Mars rose!

Geuzen der Lage Landen
Van Antwerpen, Amsterdam tot Den Briel
Helden der Calvinistische droom
Nachtmerrie der Spaans/Roomse overheerser
Voor eeuwig Uw bloed in onze aderen
Noble was your cause, brave Vercingetorix
Sad the day of your sacrifice

Aris! And Aris shone!
Mars! And Mars rose!

Aris! And Aris shone!
Mars! And Mars rose!

Remember the moment Jerusalem fell
The shrieks of the conquered, the conqueror's yell
The roofs that we fired, and the plunder we shared
The wealthy we slaughtered, the lovely we spared

Aris! And Aris shone!
Mars! And Mars rose!

Aris! And Aris shone!
Mars! And Mars rose!

Hear me, ancient forefather Ambiorix
Honoured be Thy deeds
Leading our tribes against the aggressor
Outnumbered, a campaign that could not be won
Forever Thy blood in my veins
Noble was your cause
Sad the day of your sacrifice
An example to our tribe
There's an interesting theory..
Who had the most profit of the WTC thing?.. Well I don't think Bin Laden did.. For me he is kinda guy like Jesus. There is no proof that he exists or have ever existed. Any guy with a beard and long hair would look like him (even Eminem does :lol: ).
The longer those things are going on the more I have the feeling that Bush was the only one who had profit of the whole stuff. They now focus on Irak and suddently there are no more news about Bin Laden. Few months ago you could hear about "him" in the news every evening. Seriously, without the whole thing noone would remember Bush in a few years and noone would know what he did. If, then they would remember him the same way as his dad.. one of the very few presidents of the USA who was president for only four years (not eight).
All the shit started when he came up... I recommend you a nice book about him called "Stupid White Men" ;)
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope

Oh and they're good friends with Greece's Rotting Christ but that's a different matter cos that band sucks :grin:

noooooooooo:mad:check *a dead poem*
well i have to listen to that aris song.i'll lure my aris friends into black metal and all.
Hey Sanchez, i guess you feel honoured with soooooooooo many replies on your "hello, new here..." thread? ;) :p
one of the dangers... and even then, they wont attack Europe eh ;)
Consider many countries as threats, like Iraq, Siria, China, South American countries (theyre not strong now, lets hope it stays like that) etc
Pieter, Iraq will never touch anyone... They don't have food to eat, how will they start a war campaign? Fuckin' Yanks are after the goddamn oil. That's all. No threat whatsoever. Don said it. Only the US can start a war. Nobody else wants to. And stop watching that fuckin TV station called CNN!!! :mad:
why did Iraq invade Kuwait then in 1990? they started a war.
why has Pakistan and India nuclear weapons? To protect themselves?
Emm, the country with the most nuces in the world is the US. Nobody can really tell 'em to throw 'em away right? Anyways, I'm not anti-american, I'm against the policy this country enforces and I will continue to be like that because it affects me, my country and the whole planet directly and indirectly... No respect to them whatsoever! The revolution must begin! :mad: