

El Jefe
Dec 1, 2001
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Just thought I'd drop in and say Hello to everyone. Its been quite some time since I've posted here mainly because I've been so busy with my kids ( I now have three, my third one was born four months ago which makes him my third boy)and for those of you that have kids you know how that is. I still listen to Opeth but to be quite honest I don't as much as I used to, there still one of my favourite metal bands thats for sure! Currently I've been really getting into jazz/rock fusion, its always been appealing to me but now its really drawing my attention, in addition tho other generes of music.

Anyway with that said I hope all of you are doing good aswell, and I look forward to your replies( I least for those of you that remember me haha)
I don't think many current posters that remember you, such as myself. But it's good to have an old timer back to enlighten us :lol: .
Well interesting replies, I hadn't browsed this forum for a long time before this thread but I'm just starting to realise that there's quite a few new-combers here haha, I guess the majority of the ones that I used to interact with here no longer frequent this forum,thats ok though its nice to see new people emerging from the depths beneath hehe (sorry had this urge to say that)

Well keep the replies coming guys and if you know of some good fusion bands that you could bring to my attention please do so as for I'm in a exploring mode right know for this type of music all your suggestions are welcome!

Welcome back. I still remember you from back in the day. You'll prolly find that alot of the old members have moved over to Seriously Off-topic and other band forums, if they haven't stopped coming here entirely.