Help Finding a logo!?


A Link To The Past
Feb 1, 2007
Newfoundland, Canada.
Hey, I've been planning on getting an In Flames tattoo for a while, but I need to find the outline of the Jester Head, and I can't seem to find one. All of the ones I've found have been to small. If anyone has a high quality picture of the outlined Jester Head, could you please post it? It would be greatly appreciated!

The tattoo I plan on getting is like this (dont mind the shittyness, I edited it in paint), But I need to make it linear and perfect before doing so, for best results.


If anyone is good with photoshop and wanted to do out the whole tattoo, with the star outline and the come clarity flames inside, that would be greatly appreciated as well :P But I dont expect anyone to do that. haha.

Thanks in advance!
i'd definetly not recommend using the come clarity flames. to me that doesnt represent in flames at all. i'd use the logo from jester race, etc. in it's place. it'd be so much better.
I like the look of the flame. I was just going to get the Jester Head outline, but figured it would look better with the flame inside. I've grown to like it a lot after looking at it for a few months, and I want to get it now :P

Also, if you meant the logo saying "In Flames" from the Jester Race, I am never getting an actual band name tattooed on my skin. Symbols are as far as I will go. As much as I love that logo I don't want the name there :P

I kept searching and still can't find the jester head outline although Ive seen it on a few banners and stuff.