Help for scandinavian landscape pictures!!!!!!

Originally posted by sexualist death


This looks really beautiful. :)
yes... israel
i just got all this pictures from some site
and i have think alot...
we have so beautiful country, why do the politics have to destroy it?:cry:
Originally posted by Voice of God
As fine as those pictures look, they're not realistic. In the summer pics the cameras lens should be swarming with mosquitos and in the winter it should be frozen and the view blocked with the breath cloud of the photographer. :D

Are you talking to me?

Well if you are, the reason why you dont see my breath in the picture as you say, is that I was standing in my kitchen when I took the picture, and there it was quite nice and warm ;)

Nice pictures everyone!

@Tal: That white stuff on the rocks on your 1st and 2nd pictures, is that salt?