Help me getting better drum sound, please!


New Metal Member
Oct 28, 2006
Hi everybody!
It's my 1st post so try to be patient. :)
I'm trying to get metal drum sound from DFHS and EZ Drummer, but what I got doesn't satisfy me. :waah: Look at this shit for example: :Puke:
Could you tell me, what should I do to sound like Splat88's DFHS Drum Test at Soundclick ? :OMG:

Kind regards,
That sounds pretty good man, however put some guitarS/bass to it and you'll hear the sound change drastically as it plays with other insturments.
I tried it in my mixes, but I want drums with harder attack... Give me some tips, please!
Trying slamming some toms-snare through a compressor and leaving enough room for the attack to come through.
what have you already done to them????
Hi everybody!
It's my 1st post so try to be patient. :)
I'm trying to get metal drum sound from DFHS and EZ Drummer, but what I got doesn't satisfy me. :waah: Look at this shit for example: :Puke:
Could you tell me, what should I do to sound like Splat88's DFHS Drum Test at Soundclick ? :OMG:

Kind regards,
It's EZ Drummer mixed with Andy's kick sample. I used Cubase's eq on channels and PSP VintageWarmer on out.
Snare sounds too tinny to me, toms sound nice and thick, and the kick sounds pretty good. Slam the snare and toms through a comp like chadsaxe said, and give the snare some more body, try adding 400hz. Just need to work on your programming, cos that kick sounds a little typewriter-ish to me. Overall, good work man.
the first thing I notice is more reverb/ambience on the DFH. this makes the notes longer which results in a bigger drum sound.
I think it sounds damn good for EZDrummer. Try other instruments with it, like Gavin said. Drum sounds on their own, only work to impress drummers or engineers :)

And Mood Bender is right. Splat's mp3 has tons of room sound on there. Raise that fader in EZDrummer and you might already end up with what you want.

I gotta check out those EZDrummer toms cause they sound bitchin' ...
When I try to put more room to my drums, the mix with other instruments is too messy. I tried with DFHS toms and OH with Andy's kick and EZ snare. Here's an example:
It's not satisfying me, of course. Give me some tips, what to do with it!