Help me go to ProgPower!!!!

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Daybreaker said:
Funds for Prog Power:

washing dishes, making salads, scrubbing floors, and frying assorted food that people eat at Logans where I am one of two peoplein the back that speak English as their first language.

Two more months, gar!

Better to be making salads instead of tossing them! :grin:
On a side note: I didn't know Pabla was from Chile... so am I!

...still doesn't change the fact I'm not donating to this guy's cause :)
When asking for financial assistance in getting to ProgPower, it helps if you actually ask people who KNOW you. Most of us who donated to the Aki fund have been friends with Aki for years.
kittybeast said:
Congrats Pyramaze!!! look forward to ppvi! what's wrong with this picture is that anyone can say anything on the internet..... if he makes 250K ayear we should be asking him to buy our tickets!!!! :cool:


If he makes $250k a year, he could sponsor Ayreon! (Probably just barely, though.....)
heh, huge mistake in asking. I did try to get a job and failed miserably. I really thought I was going to be able to go to ProgPower because it was going to be my graduation present but I didn't expect my mom to get laid off. The tickets are going to a good home, thanks for your time and have fun!
There is ALWAYS a job to be done... laundry room in a hotel, counter clerk at an auto parts store, waiter at a TGI Fridays, gas station attendant, library assitant, hell - go to a free temp agency and let them find the job for you.

We may blow a ton of $$$ at PP, but we don'tl have fortunes to share. A common misconception, I understand :tickled: :loco:
I don't whether to believe this thread is for real or not...

Either way...

...what a dildo!

Rock on!
:err: dude... we all have money issues... we are all big boys and big girls and solve them on our own... nuff said.

I am sorry... I have no symphathy... I have worked my ass off this year and been to hell and back... I am still going.

:wave: Chileno Panzer!
Dude, you can try to get a job anywhere. And I mean ANYfuckingwhere. Go fry burgers at McDonalds if you need to. Go work at a laundry. You don't get paid that well nor it's a good job, but guess what? No job is a good job afterall, all of them have ups and downs. Maybe you failed getting a better job, but that is not the only job in the world, realize that.

There's still time to work and make your way to ProgPower. Don't waste your chances.
MallcoreMassacre said:
heh, huge mistake in asking. I did try to get a job and failed miserably. I really thought I was going to be able to go to ProgPower because it was going to be my graduation present but I didn't expect my mom to get laid off. The tickets are going to a good home, thanks for your time and have fun!

What an idiot...
I know I came off as rude to those who posted on the thread about Aki, but this was one of the things I considered when making my post. I was afraid that somebody else would start asking for money for his or herself to get to Atlanta after seeing a thread like that. I hope this doesn't start a trend. There is definitely a difference between somebody asking for others to help out a friend and somebody soliciting donations for themselves.

Stay metal. Never rust.
MallcoreMassacre said:
heh, huge mistake in asking. I did try to get a job and failed miserably. I really thought I was going to be able to go to ProgPower because it was going to be my graduation present but I didn't expect my mom to get laid off. The tickets are going to a good home, thanks for your time and have fun!

hey boy, life is not always that easy. i bought PP ticket for 4 years in row and this will be the second time for me to be able to go there, hopefully. flying over there from Japan requires lots more $$$ than for you. especially last year after paying for hotel and air, i had to cancel it. i walked on the trail of my tears, literally.
i also know some of my friends who had to give up for the financial reasons.
for myself, budget is very tight, but i saved up the money since eary this year, as i trusted Glenn's choice ;)
so, i wish you good luck in finding a job, and you, work hard, save the money for PP next year. earn the money on your own! then nobody would give a shit. this is not the last chance for you. take care.
Junnie- you from Japan- wwwwwoooooowww- I'd give you my money sooner than any other person- respect!!!
Like everyone says in this forum; we all did what we had to to come up with the money.
I lost my job in january- did not get paid shit from my government after I lost it, had a job I hated for 2 months, working weeks over 50-60 hrs ( rare in Holland)...... then got another job which was slightly better.... all this cause my goal is to go to Israel and then to Progpower.... and I know that some people do the same. Not go to concerts, not buy cds/ DVDs just to go to this one awesome concert.

So for those who are there with authentic stories and who worked their asses off- it's you I wanna meet in Atlanta!!! - we'll toast to the good times!!!!! Forget what we had to do to come up with the money to get there.
You guys are so harsh! C'mon, let's help the guy out. I donated yesterday!

Granted, it was only a penny, but it all adds up, right? I figure if all ticketholders just give a penny each, that'll be about.... $12! We can pick out a CD from the merch stands for him.
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