Help needed about computer stuff (again) pleeaasseee


human wrecking ball
Jul 25, 2002
France [ Lille ]
:yell: damn im hopeless with computer things, so sorry to beg for help again but this time theres really nothing i can do:ill:

There's this streaming video on this website, that i need to catch on my HD for my presentation of final paper saturday, but there's no fucking way to do so.

It's a .ram stream video, here :

Any clue on how i could get the goddamn thing? Marn i'd be forever grateful for the one who will show me the way to do so:erk: Or else i have nothing for my presentationo_O

Thanks in advance!!!!!
if you have an internet connection in the room you give your presentation: connect to the internet and connect a beamer to your pc/laptop, go to the site and play the video
Alwin : nah i dont have any internet connection into the room at school , we hardly have computers working there, so lets not dream eheh.

groom : i'll try this out later in the afternoon, i'll tell u if it works, cheers!!
Anyone having trouble with that motherfucking 'Mywebsearch' spyware? I can't get rid of it at all and it's bugging me like hell!! Can't even remove its folder, and when I delete seperate files in it, it automatically re-installs everything...
im afraid i cant help, i never been through this before. :erk:

Well, as we're on it, anyone having a norton antivirus 2004 serial number for me?

cheers :wave:

groom : for now the prog you advise me seems to work fine, lets see how it'll be when it'll be done. thanks again :)
Lenore said:
Well, as we're on it, anyone having a norton antivirus 2004 serial number for me?

groom : for now the prog you advise me seems to work fine, lets see how it'll be when it'll be done. thanks again :)
You're welcome :wave:
Oh well it probably looks like I've got nothing better to do, but who cares ;)

@ Cerulean: have you tried using Ad-Aware from ? It helps you get rid of pesky stuff most of the time.
ah shit, doesnt work for me this number:erk:

Anywhoo, you're me new idol now broom, i got the videos out and it works perfectly! Thumb up!
my dying groom said:
You're welcome :wave:
Oh well it probably looks like I've got nothing better to do, but who cares ;)

@ Cerulean: have you tried using Ad-Aware from ? It helps you get rid of pesky stuff most of the time.
Yeah, that's what other people have recommended too, and it did delete some spyware, but not the über-annoying mywebsearch... It's god damn stubborn stuff :)
I really... *REALLY* wonder who the fuck would be occupying themselves making such software :erk:
Cerulean said:
Anyone having trouble with that motherfucking 'Mywebsearch' spyware? I can't get rid of it at all and it's bugging me like hell!! Can't even remove its folder, and when I delete seperate files in it, it automatically re-installs everything...
i could fix the problem if i was on yer machine, but im not on yer machine :(

anyways, the spyware programs generally take off most of the crap. Try Spybot search and destroy.
hope that link works for ya.
update the program when you install it.

ALSO, i know this is not a cure, but its a preventative measure. STOP USING MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER. Its a piece of shit, and most of the adware crap that installs it'self onto your computer does so by exploiting stupid features in MSIE. Start using Mozilla Firefox. Here's my testimonial ;)

i used to check for spyware once a week with Spybot, and it used to find maybe 10-50 spyware crap every week. Then i started to use Firefox. Every time i ran spybot after that it came up completely clean, NO SPYWARE WHATSOEVER, all thanks to Firefox
Cheers all! Thanks for helping.
Hehe, it's still not removed, but I installed Firefox and that's so god damn excellent, I never wanna use Internet Explorer again!
you dont need to use the program name to run a web page tho, will run it in the default browser.

I feel obliged to point out that in the next xp service pack there'll be a big emphasis on security etc and one of the features will be a pop up stopper for ie, ysee microsoft do notice when people make stuff better then they do, then they just buy the idea or nick it :worship: