Help needed about computer stuff (again) pleeaasseee

StevenK said:
another one converted!
The only time you will ever have to use internet explorer is for windowsupdate.

now we just need to convert him to linux as well :D
ha ha linux muhahahahhahha

oh dearie. Use MICROSOFT kids, it's evil and therefore more metal than any gay penguin OS's, linux if for middle class tree huggers who wear sandals
actually i have a story about linux, i was on a course once where they got some guy from IBM in to teach us some linux, standard issue linux fanatic, scandanavian, bald goatee, even had sandals, total plonker who taught he was quite droll. he kept regaling us with tales of how he used to hack his college network. wow impressive. Anyway we were farting around with some typically user friendly bollox like pine and my profile started fucking up etc etc, linuxboy was chuckling down the end of the class so i told him to quit it and he said i should figure out a way to stop it. So two seconds later a coke bottle went whizzing past his head. he stopped then. Moral: linux= twattery
well i use both, so i really can't understand the pure hatred between both user groups. ah, it's like israel and palestina, i guess. no one has a point, and still they all bash their heads.
ahh the main reason for typing iexplore or firefox in run is so that when i type something like in the run box it doesnt wtf? instead it just goes and does what its told. i know i could type http:// but i dont want to


microsoft :wank:
yeah, its needs the full url to know thats its intehrweb traffic the good thing is the run command stores your ie history these days just like ies toolbar so you dont usually need to type it all out
Hmmm, here am i interrupting with me questions again :

DOes someone know how to convert a .ram video into a wma video? THANKS :D

that last link seems to be ok software. but i dont have any .rams to play with. also this is for a project???? if anyone wants to scroll through a .wmv file ( like a lecturer asking to see a clip again ) it might be better for you to use a .avi or .mpg. those fucking .wmv's take ages to scroll through. a keyframe in a movie file is kinda like the closest point you can skip to. so for a 60minute video with 60keyframes it will scroll to the closest minute. just incase it asks and you want good scrolability, use loads of keyframes
We had to learn this new system in work and so to make the after work session more interesting the managers said they'd provide wine and cheese and that. Now I'm a fan of both wine and we asked for beer and pizza instead. The guy who taught us was a cousin of Daniel Day Lewis, nice but socially dim sort. We took him the Swan pub and he bought a couple of rounds, about 25 drinks per round for 12 of us.
It was boss though, the haunting melody of beer cans being opened and 'pass us a piece of margherita there' being said as he's trying to teach us all the new functions :tickled:
ah thanks Steven, unfortunately it seems no programs can handle .rm files. ANyway, i'll get by with it, thanks anyway!
StevenK said:
another one converted!
The only time you will ever have to use internet explorer is for windowsupdate.
Get Mandrake Linux, dead-easy to update; the only thing you need to do is to type "urpmi --auto-select" and you will update your whole client / server or what have you.

Even easier than Windows, and actually it installed faster than Windows too (MDK 10).

...and yes - Firefox is the bomb, though it has problems with some sites - but ah well, if the people making the sites could stick to W3C-standard; all would be okay!

Bye all!

/ Tweetie the Sweetie :oops:
Lenore said:
ah thanks Steven, unfortunately it seems no programs can handle .rm files. ANyway, i'll get by with it, thanks anyway!
.rm is "Real media" and handled by realplayer / producer.

and OH - did you do something as basic as search on or read the specs (not sex n' ...) of Real Producer?

what is a good programe i could download to burn mp3's from this computer on cd?
there is this roxio cd creator stuff on this pc, and even though a month ago it worked perfectly (i was able to put the antimatter demo's on a cd) it now only get stuck... so what else would be downloadable?