Help needed about computer stuff (again) pleeaasseee

you need a java plugin for your browser. it's probably installed already, but not properly linked. which browser are you using?
ugh, 1.0 is incredibly old, some university comp? good luck though, you might need it.

btw if you can type something in the box, java is set up correctly already, but most probalby with an equally old version.
with a bit of luck they got several versions installed though. check in the folder above where the old one is located, maybe there's a similar directory with a newer one.
Bambi said:
actually i have a story about linux, i was on a course once where they got some guy from IBM in to teach us some linux, standard issue linux fanatic, scandanavian, bald goatee, even had sandals, total plonker who taught he was quite droll. he kept regaling us with tales of how he used to hack his college network. wow impressive. Anyway we were farting around with some typically user friendly bollox like pine and my profile started fucking up etc etc, linuxboy was chuckling down the end of the class so i told him to quit it and he said i should figure out a way to stop it. So two seconds later a coke bottle went whizzing past his head. he stopped then. Moral: linux= twattery
Well, you use Pine for email? *w00t* There are quite good GUIs now, and if there was a macromedia and photoshop for KDE / Gnome I'd switch to that platform in a jiffy for DTP.

And yeah, those linux-freaks tend to be quite... scandinavian, goatee and polished forehead and a besserwisser attitude!!!

and yeah; heard about what IBM did with one of the biggest finnish banks / insurance company's network (windows computers)? IBM can be quite sloppy for the money they cost o_O


PS. I beg you pardon for the dry humour.