HELP Please

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
This has been shitting me all week.

Can you guys please listen to the song Tomorrow Never Knows off the Beatles Revolver album.. Download it if you need to.

I know that there is a metal song out there that uses the exact same vocal melody as the part in bold:

Turn off your mind, relax
and float down stream
It is not dying
It is not dying

But I cannot figure out what and it is driving me insane. I've been playing those 2 lines over and over in my head. Might not be metal... might be something like soundgarden or Pearl Jam.... It's like a slow, industrial/ambient kinda song that then builds up to be heavy....But I'm pretty sure you guys will know it too.
Abbey Road is one of the best albums ever made. Sgt Pepper's is both overrated and NOT a concept album, but it's still very good indeed.

Can't help with your original question, Sprucey. There was an *awful* grunge cover of Tomorrow Never Knows on the soundtrack to The Craft ten years ago. Could you be thinking of that?

No.. I'm sure it was like the opening track of an album.. And the beginning of it was slow and sounded like that song. I almost have it.. but then I lose it... It's so frustrating. I'm sure once I figure it out it might not even sound like it, but it sounds too familar not to.

Yeah, Abbey Road is my favorite along with Revolver.

I LOVE Because. Such a cool sounding vibe on that song. And ofcourse the big medley rules.
Spiffo, I use eMule and Soulseek for everything nowadays. The trick with eMule is to set it to "Global (servers)" so you get more results.

I used to grab things from Limewire too, until I learned it had spyware built in :bah:.


Sorry Spruce, doesn't really sound familiar. Good song though. :headbang: I've been meaning to get Revolver for about ten years now but it's always been too expensive, considering I know most of the songs already.
I think I may have finally figured it out.....
Tell me if I'm wrong cause I haven't heard the song in 10 years, but I think it could be very similar to the opening track on the Red Hot Chilli Willies One Hot Minute album 'Warped'.

Can anyone confirm or deny that the start of that song is similar to that line in the beatles tomorrow never knows?