Help Pls- 5150 MkI Killer tone


7 string shredder
Aug 27, 2007

As the title says it, help! I bought myself a new (15 years ago, of course) 5150 and I urgently need your advice or experience in building a tone. I would really appreciate if you give me some nice tone settings.
I have a show on Saturday and I can't put my hands on in until then on soundcheck.
Thanks in advance. Cheers.:kickass:
Plus, the 5150 is the easiest tube amp to dial in I've ever played! (except the Orange Tiny Terror of course :lol: )
Go there:

... for Jason Suecof's 5150 settings as a starting point.

... And then realize that these settings won't work with your setup (guitar, pickups, cab and fingers) at all because the gain is probably to low for a live setting and the presence way to high giving you a harsh topend and feedback city. Of course, your low-end will be loose like a grandma's vedge (courtesy of JBroll) and overly boomy because the bass is maxed out but that doesn't really matter because you can't hear details anyway cause the mids are almost scooped....

So why don't you just go from 12 o 'clock and have a cool tone dialed in a matter of seconds? :loco:
Hey, thanks a lot. I don't have much free time I must say, otherwise I would search for sure. I forgot to mention I use the classic JB/59 passives. This tone I might use for recording also.
One again, thanks, I really appreciate.
One essential tip: Be careful with your mids! For chugtastic metal, I find that anything above 2.5 is too much! Sounds a but nutty but it's true.

Also, don't be afraid to give it more presence than you would with other amps.

My setup is fairly similar to the one on the .pdf avbout Soucof, without even realising it. I roll off both the resonance and bass, and I use sliiiight more treble, about 6.5, and sliiiightly less presence, about 7.5, but it probably kinda evens out. I also definitely use that much gain live, and I think my tone is fairly brutal :headbang: Scared to use anymore cos of the hisssssssssssss
If you use the rhythm channel with the "crunch" on instead of the lead channel, that will mostly solve both the feedback and the hiss problems. I'd start with the gain at around 4 and work your way up. Everything that's been said above about EQ and presence/resonance sounds right on, although that will depend on your setup too (guitar, pickups, what tuning you use, tubescreamer, etc).
Hello everyone,

I waited some time to find a picture with the full amp to show you the settings I had in the end. They were made during the linecheck and my main goal was to avoid feedback yet to have a good amount of gain. Please note that the Presence knob is missing.


The picture was taken on February 7th, the band I played with (called L.O.S.T ) as a support act for Sepultura.