

Warrior of Jotun
May 26, 2002
Vancouver BC Canada
OK here's the scoop, i have a really shitty cd player, with a preset EQ (which i hate)and it has the crappiest speakers, i just recently got a karaoke machine with very good speakers, and a nice EQ, so i was wondering if there was a way too hook my player up with it, the karaoke machine doesnt have any other input lines other than the mic (1/4 connector). i thought if i took a 1/4 patch cord to the mic, through a 1/4 > 1/8 shrinker, for the headphones on the cd player. would that suffice? or does that pose a damage threat? ive been told that it may blow the mic jack.
surely the cd player has a line out? why not take the signal from there?

there's probably no real danger, but if you want to be sure, i'd say find the specs for the machines. the cd player manual might help, for the karaoke machine, try the manufacturer. alternatively find some mic specs and see what kind of output levels those have. then maybe, if you're the diy type, build a circuit that limits the signal.