Heres some hope for you Metallica doubters *taken from Club-exclusive mag*

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
im a platinum member of the metallica club... and heres some info about 5 new songs that were critiqued recently...

Cut #1-Hard charging cut that combines bombast and defiance of the band's earliest high watermarks, incorporating much of their thrashy beginnings but with more deliberate lyrics and an emotional nakedness. The lyrics are the cry of a divided man. James Hetfield growls this in the song "i want my anger to be me, i need to set my anger free"

Cut #2-Lumbering beat of a song that no doubt crawled out of someones nightmare. "This is the voice of silence no more" like many of the band's earlier songs, good and evil are enganging in hand to hand conflict, only this time, the demons are more internal then external.

Cut #3-A somber thoughtful rumination of a man grappling with choices. Recorded in may 2001. This song is a bit of funk to l ighten its sardonic edge, taking it to places where no metallica song has ventured before.

Cut #4-Most upbeat and suprising rock track. Over SEVEN minutes long. It's a journey of self discovery, a man clearly in psychic pain. Lars pulls one of the most lyrical drum solos I have ever heard dramatic enough to single handedly resurrect the art form. Kirk seems to peal off notes individually letting them hang in the air until he has his way with them.

Cut #5- A love song. A lazy feel to it, tropical but dangerous. Deceptively gentle. But that's before the SHREDDING beings and has sort of a Rolling Stonesian feel to it. James sings with rawness and swagger that is entirely out of character yet entirely appropiate.

The band said many elements of the past, 15 years ago, are approarching into this album. Kirk said "the speed and harnessing and energy of the late 80's meshing it with some melodicism of the 90's. It sounds like thats what we are doing now. I think we have cracked a code that we werent able to in the 90s."
you misunderstand dsm. i didn't "meh" at the fact that its there, simply displaying my thoughts of the post. that "meh" was a direct response to the content of the post, my thoughts on the upcoming metallica business. meh, meaning i show some interest in that it looks to be a little different, but i'm still uninterested and doubtful because metalica will have to work hard to earn my trust back. we shall see.
Jesus, If you dont want people to read this then dont post it you idiot!!

I Believe I read the same things just before the load cds came out.

Who exactly wrote this "critique"? You'd think that since you're paying for this stuff, the least they could have done was proof read it, & remove the spelling errors...just my opinion. (or did you type that out? :lol: :p

Also, the way this guy writes this, just sounds like he is sucking their dicks. If it is REALLY this good, I'll take it back, but I doubt I'll have to.

Meh? Exactly.

Fuck you Pigrim!!! Your a meanie.... Dont you have a life. What a pathetic loser you must be for picking on a wittle 15 year old.

If I had a dad, he would beat you up. If you dont like my post, dont reply to them. How about just leaving me alone?? I dont bother you. I'm one of the people thats liked here, NOT YOU! So why dont you leave Pilgrim??? Why not just leave us REAL metalheads alone and you can go bother someone else.
Jesus Christ this is lame!!!
Okay,Pilgrim will continue to be a cunt and will just stay here and continue to flame us for stupid shit,no matter how much we want him to leave. And he'll continue to do the stupid stuff like logging off then coming back either unregistered or have some retarded name used to mock us (dsm,me,etc.).Okay,I guess he thinks he's the first one to come up with the unregistered stuff?No,Rusted in Peace50 was doing that long before you.And he was just as gay.There's nothing new for you to try,you dumb fuck.So try just staying Pilgrim(not Will Bozarth or any of those other aliases of yours)and flame us like that,maybe coming up with some better insults than just refering to age(like dsm,age 15=stupid because he's 15),Guerrilla's already done that.And,I know,you're trembling with fear because you got insulted by a "wittle 14 year old girllie."What,are you going to tell me to go listen to Linkin Park?
Originally posted by Pilgrim
Jesus, If you dont want people to read this then dont post it you idiot!!

I Believe I read the same things just before the load cds came out.


Maybe for the same reason that a reTard fuck wad like you tells us to ignore you, while your spewing like a fucking worn out ass hole with the fucking SHITS....

Hmmmm...seems promising, but I'm going to withhold judgment until I actually hear the stuff. I like the sound of the 1st two, and Kirk's comment is a good thing.

Memo to DNDS: Pilgrim's probably around the same age as you, I and DMS...just a lot less mature. Getting insulted by 14 year-old girls is likely not new to him.

Memo to everyone: Troll hunting is a waste of time. Pilgrim seems to desperately need attention, so there's no better way to get back at him than to pretend he doesn't exist.
fuck him....he exists....its a fucking shame he exists, its a shame his father didnt hang him up and slowly rip his skin off, and make him eat it, just before killing him. BUt since he IS here, then why the hell not have a few meaningless waste of time chats with the sorry lilttle assfuck bastard?