Hey Americans, when is enough enough?

1. This is a fucked up case that makes no sense
2. The defendent died

Do the math. This is not 100% proof that he was suicided. But it should be the assumption.
In law there should be no assumptions - only proofs and scientific facts.
You would not want your case in which you are accused of murdering someone to be based on assumptions.

I wonder, would you guys even take the red pill if Morpheus offered it to you?
Taking unknown drugs from insane strangers?
No, thanks. :)
That's what really grinds peoples gears about you GGI. You act like you're the only one capable of independent thought.

Well 80% of you guys have it hardwired into your heads that "I need proof before I believe anything." You rely on proof instead of logic. Proof is great when you have have trustworthy sources of information. But you will find proof nowhere these days. You can trust nothing on the news or internet. The sinking of the economy has driven our sources of information into desperation. Profit drives what we see, hear, and read. I am sure you agree with me. I trust you guys on this forum more than I trust almost anything else on the internet or news. I know that if there is a thread here about how shitty Sacramento is to live as a musician then Sacramento is probably a shitty place to live as a musician. If I see a story on TV about how shitty Sacramento is to live, then I think "who paid to hurt Sacramento's reputation and why?" But I don't see that here. I wish you guys would stop relying on proof, which is so easily manipulated, and start taking your brains to the next level and realizing that if you are relying on proof then you are letting these criminals win.

If I come off as pompous or "i'm better than you" then I apologize. You guys are smarter than this, I know it, and that is why I keep posting here. This forum has power and a lot of potential to spread change around the world. Wake up, snap out of it, and use it.

Edit: I am not smarter than many of you young guys. There are clearly a lot of bright minds here, much brighter than mine. That's why I don't understand how you are so quick to conform. I know this sounds gay but I mean it.
Well 80% of you guys have it hardwired into your heads that "I need proof before I believe anything." You rely on proof instead of logic.

It's easy to flip that over and point out that you've conflated "worst fears" with "logical conclusion." Your position is demonstrably illogical because it relies solely on your gut reaction and the acceptance and rejection of information based on whether it conforms to the conclusion you've already drawn.
The part I don't understand is why on earth you would still live here if you believe the stuff you say. If I honestly believed the government would kill me for dissent I'd just move. There are too many amazing places in the world to live in fear here.
I don't know what was in there, and none of us will ever know.

ummm...i'm pretty sure all of the people who pay to use the service know exactly what's in there...

if nothing else, this thread has served to show that GGI is far more irrational and deluded in his thought than i think any of us had given him credit for
The part I don't understand is why on earth you would still live here if you believe the stuff you say. If I honestly believed the government would kill me for descent I'd just move. There are too many amazing places in the world to live in fear here.

America is far and away the greatest country in the world. That's why I live here.

Don't worry the government doesn't want to kill you or me.
You rely on proof instead of logic.
I am an agnostic.
For me it is logical to rely on proof.
If there is no proof, i accept that the true or not true variable value is undefined.

Every time you believe any conspiracy theory, you should ask yourself this question:
Would all that logical evidence be "beyond any reasonable doubt" enough in the court to sentence the conspirators ?

If not, you better forget about the theory if you don't want people to laugh at you.