Hey Dead Winter?

I will Karen! As soon as I get done smashing grapes and picking olives, :lol:.

I really apologize for being crude, obstinate, and rude in this topic, Karen; it's just that sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. I tend to unleash on people who are equally crude, obstinate and rude towards me first.

I hope one day we will really be able to meet so you can see who I really am and judge for yourself what kind of person I am without my having to absorb so many spears chucked at me by Eric, Captain Beard, and the rest.

I just saw this post, Chris!
FOR SURE one day I will come to Italy again and I would love to have some fine-fine wine with you and ..... (forgot your wife's name? Laressa? )
That would be awesome! Good food, good company and good wine, and in Italy! Sounds perfect to me! :kickass: :)