Hey Dead Winter?

I'm assuming you're giving up, right? Being as you've now turned to nothing but "I'm so fucking good at annoying people", and "Eric is so fucking annoyed right now, despite the fact that this is the same shit he does to everyone, but I'm special, I did it", I have no choice but to assume so.

This is a yes or no question, and it is very important.
I don't know what there is to give up. We're having a good time berating each other on the internet. I'm about to go to bed but I'm just postin' right now because I really and truly enjoy reading your posts.

Seriously, and I don't care what you guys think or say about me, but I really enjoy reading your posts even if they are rude and crude and aimed at me. It really is in good fun. It's a little below the belt sometimes, but this thread was like Neverboard circa 2003. I want to thank you for entertaining me tonight.

I know that there are like two people on this entire forum who like posting with me, Karen and Steve, and that's cool. I know I come across as a prick, but fuck it. It's the internet, right? The people who think I'm an asshole are the very same people who I think are douchebags, so it all evens out in the end. A message board is about as close as I want to come to meeting those people anyway, and some of them I wouldn't piss on to put out if they were on fire. But you, you're really entertaining. Even if you're a douche sometimes, you never fail to entertain and that's the only reason to even post on a message board in the first place. If people come here because they just have nothing else to do then they're just pathetic losers.

You provide the LOLs, even if you are a prick. At least you do something right.
DW are you even aware you're being trolled every single time you type a reply?

Of course! My God man, don't you see the beauty of it? It's one of the pillars on which this board was formed. The back and forth and laughing and carrying on...it's how it fucking should be. Not, POST WHAT YOU GOT IN THE MAIL TODAY. What the fuck is that shit? I hardly check my own fucking mail, why the fuck would I want to know what someone whom I will never meet in my entire life got in their mailbox?

Unless it's a letter bomb or something. That would suck...depending on who it was.
I do have to agree with him there (WHAT AM I DOING?!)... maybe we are destined to be together. Like lovers, caught in the olive field. Picking the day away. Oh LOVE. How fond it is.

But anyway... YES OR NO.
Of course! My God man, don't you see the beauty of it? It's one of the pillars on which this board was formed. The back and forth and laughing and carrying on...it's how it fucking should be. Not, POST WHAT YOU GOT IN THE MAIL TODAY. What the fuck is that shit? I hardly check my own fucking mail, why the fuck would I want to know what someone whom I will never meet in my entire life got in their mailbox?

Unless it's a letter bomb or something. That would suck...depending on who it was.

A couple days ago, I got two packages!!! A couple new pairs of jeans (I'm getting chubby), and a couple CDs from The End (Specifically: Arkhon Infaustus - The Fifth Catalyst, and Aeternus - Shadows of the Old)
I do have to agree with him there (WHAT AM I DOING?!)... maybe we are destined to be together. Like lovers, caught in the olive field. Picking the day away. Oh LOVE. How fond it is.

Dude, it's Wes Mantooth and Ron Burgundy at the end of the movie on the ladder scene. Only don't kiss me on the forehead.
I will Karen! As soon as I get done smashing grapes and picking olives, :lol:.

I really apologize for being crude, obstinate, and rude in this topic, Karen; it's just that sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. I tend to unleash on people who are equally crude, obstinate and rude towards me first.

I hope one day we will really be able to meet so you can see who I really am and judge for yourself what kind of person I am without my having to absorb so many spears chucked at me by Eric, Captain Beard, and the rest.

As for the rest of you who have a different opinion of me, I challenge you to find a topic in which I have posted nasty, mean and untoward things that weren't in retaliation of said nasty and mean things aimed at me in the first place. In other words, if you people weren't such dicks to me in the first place, maybe you would have a different point of view, as I only spew things in retaliation. But I guess that wouldn't be fun, as you seem to garner some sort of strange pleasure in insulting people in very immature ways and then posting tl;dr when I respond. You see, I have no intention of being rude to people; you bring it all on yourselves.

I guess it doesn't really matter anyway, as all of you rude and passive aggressive people are forced to very grudgingly agree with me at the end of it all. I know you must hate that.

And btw Eric, WOPS are Italian immigrants who came to America, not Italians. WOP stands for Without Papers, which is fucking hilarious due to the fact that "without" is one word, not two. I guess the fall of English grammar started in the late 18 and early 1900s. If you want to insult real Italians and not gumbah retards from Brooklyn, call them Dagos or something, though that's not just limited to Italians. In any case, we have racial slurs for southern Italians as well, but I don't feel like going into it anymore. Your insults don't really apply to them here anyway, as virtually no one from the north immigrated to the US. And in any case, I come from Scot/English ancestry.
And btw Eric, WOPS are Italian immigrants who came to America, not Italians. WOP stands for Without Papers, which is fucking hilarious due to the fact that "without" is one word, not two. I guess the fall of English grammar started in the late 18 and early 1900s. If you want to insult real Italians and not gumbah retards from Brooklyn, call them Dagos or something, though that's not just limited to Italians. In any case, we have racial slurs for southern Italians as well, but I don't feel like going into it anymore. Your insults don't really apply to them here anyway, as virtually no one from the north immigrated to the US. And in any case, I come from Scot/English ancestry.

I know. That's what makes funny.