Hey Dead Winter?

You're not right though. You must show me where in this thread the man declared that he cannot break his own rules! I want derivatives and definitions, from a source that is not dictionary.com, of each word in the area which he declares this.
Any attempts at harm to him will trigger a space-time loop, which will send you back to the start of the ordeal, sans the explanation.

My shitting, vomiting, and pissing is a form of passive torture imposed upon my keeper, therefore, attempting to harm him. He then resets the instance and must explain the rules again, which remain the same, as you've laid out. Now, if you wanna take the easy way out and say, "BUT I SAID SANS EXPLANATION!!!", then that denotes that without the explanation, then there are no more rules. I will then shake his hand and accept his concession, go have a Big Mac value meal at McDonald's and upon shitting it out an hour from then, I will think about him and smirk at my victory.

If not, I will then make the same choice and we endure this vicious circle together for all eternity.

I'm the type of person who would give a limb to save a life, but I'd also give a limb to end one as well.
My shitting, vomiting, and pissing is a form of passive torture imposed upon my keeper, therefore, attempting to harm him. He then resets the instance and must explain the rules again, which remain the same, as you've laid out.

I then make the same choice and we endure this vicious circle together for all eternity.

I'm the type of person who would give a limb to save a life, but I'd also give a limb to end one as well.

Actually, he never explains the rules again. From the first time, he informs you that each time will restart, without an explanation of the rules. Yes, the rules are the same. However, the only 2 rules are as follows:

You may not attempt harm to yourself or it resets.

You may not attempt to harm him or it resets.

"sans the explanation. " read the post. It is not explained anymore, but the rules are still there.

The rules are extremely clear, and it never states "you may not be violently raped resulting in the cumsplosion of all of your vital organs.

It resets every time you enable the harm to yourself, by letting your bodily functions go wild, which is also in turn an attempt to harm him. He witnesses some of this, as in order for it to reset, the rule breaking action must be taken. It resets, millions and millions of times, over the span of hundreds of years. Eventually he begins to love this, fucks you everywhere it hurts, and then proceeds to feed your dog the cum-coated remains of your left kidney... on Earth Day.
I edited my post. Read it again.

You tried to take the easy way out by saying "SANS EXPLANATION", which denotes again that without the explanation, there are no more rules. If I am not made aware of the rules or choices in front of me, then I cannot choose, can I?

Yes, it doesn't state "you may not be violently raped...". However, it doesn't state that you WILL be violently raped, either.

I win. Again. For the fifth time.
I edited my post. Read it again.

You tried to take the easy way out by saying "SANS EXPLANATION", which denotes again that without the explanation, there are no more rules. If I am not made aware of the rules, then I cannot choose, can I?

Yes, it doesn't state "you may not be violently raped...". However, it doesn't state that you WILL be violently raped, either.

I win. Again. For the fifth time.

... What? You don't win. SANS the explanation does not mean the rules no longer apply. It just means that he is not explaining them to you again. Think of it this way, there is no US law saying specifically that I may or may not shove a dildo up my ass, walk down mainstreet, and scream the specific words "FUCK ALL YOU ASSHOLES I AM GOING TO BOMB YOU ALL", however... if I did this, chances are it would be deemed unacceptable, despite it not being specifically defined.

You lose.
I understand what you're saying, you just don't understand what I'm saying. You also said that this instance has no degenerative effects. So for argument's sake let's say I can't starve myself to death and shit and piss myself in order to harm him. If I can't die, then I must choose, right? However, NOWHERE does it say he can rape me. Therefore, we will wait in a padded room for eternity.

It's a paradox, Eric. Everyone loses. Which means I win. AGAIN.
What the fuck is with these god damn WOPS? They really should just stick to picking olives and smashing grapes.

Hey... why doesn't an Italian woman wear panties on her wedding day? So the flies will stay off her mustache.
If there are no degenerative effects, then we can't die. If he can't rape me because in the rules you didn't say he could, then we're at a stalemate. I will then wait for all eternity and tell him my pals jokes because I have all the time in the world.

It's a paradox. I win AGAIN.
You can't die but he can get angry... Jesus christ, I knew the wops on my side were fucking retarded, but god damn is your group of Olive Pickers a stubborn bunch. Get back to what you do best... cutting off your leaders dick and making macaroni pictures.

And face it. Loser. YOU LOST.
What the fuck is with these god damn WOPS? They really should just stick to picking olives and smashing grapes.

Hey... why doesn't an Italian woman wear panties on her wedding day? So the flies will stay off her mustache.

Now the dirty wetback is pissed because I beat him at his own half-ass venture at thinking outside the box which he just landed himself right back into.

Don't get pissed Eric because you don't have the faculties to withstand a hypothetical scenario thrown back at you due to piss-poor planning on your part.

Go make me some tamales.
You can't die but he can get angry... Jesus christ, I knew the wops on my side were fucking retarded, but god damn is your group of Olive Pickers a stubborn bunch. Get back to what you do best... cutting off your leaders dick and making macaroni pictures.

And face it. Loser. YOU LOST.

I beat you at your own kindergarten level scenario and no amount of "NO YUO!!!" is gonna change that. Now go tend to my garden.
Now the dirty wetback is pissed because I beat him at his own half-ass venture at thinking outside the box which he just landed himself right back into.

Don't get pissed Eric because you don't have the faculties to withstand a hypothetical scenario thrown back at you due to piss-poor planning on your part.

Go make me some tamales.

Man, you really hate to lose! At least we know the reason that elementary schools went all soft and made everyone winners... and why don't ask don't tell was created.

Anyway, if you're here, who's stirring the sauce? Hop in that escort baby, hop in and ride.