Hey Dead Winter?

Man, you really hate to lose! At least we know the reason that elementary schools went all soft and made everyone winners... and why don't ask don't tell was created.

Anyway, if you're here, who's stirring the sauce? Hop in that escort baby, hop in and ride.

I have no problem with losing if I really lost. You haven't proven to me that I lost. Simply saying "YOU LOST BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO LOSE" doesn't change anything.

You just fail at life, dude. Don't get pissy.
I have proved. You are just too fucking caught up in your own ego-centric world to realize this. When you come back to reality, please tell us.
In any case, it was fun throwing that shit back at you and watching you come up with different shit every time off the cuff, only to see it get wilder and wilder and more nonsensical.
I have proved. You are just too fucking caught up in your own ego-centric world to realize this. When you come back to reality, please tell us.

Dude are you serious? Are you SERIOUSLY fucking annoyed? SERIOUSLY?

I thought it was fucking fun, man, and got a laugh out of the back-and-forth. Now you're actually getting pissed off? Wow.

You can always tell when Eric gets actually pissed off when he stops throwing out racial slurs and starts talking seriously. That's really, really pathetic.

Isn't this like the SECOND topic you've created targeting me to try and fuck with me, only to get your shit handed to you BY me, and then to get pissed off about it and resort to attacking my character because you're out of other people's opinions to steal? Are you French or something?

You really did vote for Palin/McCain, didn't you?
[5:55pm] <EricT2> someone past this into the thread
[5:55pm] * EricT2 is now known as EricT

"Fuck you, asshole... I am sick of your bullshit, it is about time someone took the time to out you for the annoying wop you are. I hope one day you read this, my annoyance, and realize... just realize how much of a fucking retard you are"
God dammit, I am so ANNOYED right now. Definitely not having fun... just annoyed. ANNOYED. ANNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYED
[5:55pm] <EricT2> someone past this into the thread
[5:55pm] * EricT2 is now known as EricT

"Fuck you, asshole... I am sick of your bullshit, it is about time someone took the time to out you for the annoying wop you are. I hope one day you read this, my annoyance, and realize... just realize how much of a fucking retard you are"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think I'm the first person to push Eric to the point of such frustration that he is really and truly pissed off, when all I did was play the hand that was dealt to me!!! That's the best part! YOU created the thread and now everyone knows what a fucking thin-skinned douche you are. Now go fold my clothes and make me some chili con carne.

That is, if Eric really did post that. I have my doubts...I kinda respected him as a sort of witty and thick-skinned guy, not some internet douche. I guess I was wrong.

For once.
God dammit, I am so ANNOYED right now. Definitely not having fun... just annoyed. ANNOYED. ANNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYED

Sooooo if you're not, why don't you just leave the thread then? I'm having fun, man! What are you, 15?

You're not gonna offend me, man. This is the greatest topic since the tits and meat thread. Actually it's better. Way to out yourself not as a douchebag, but as fake. Way to fuck it up for everyone else, Eric. Now everyone will laugh AT you instead of WITH you.

You have single-handedly undone 5 years of Penguin-level impressiveness.

I wish John were here to see this.
Sorry, I was so annoyed and worried about everyone knowing that I am annoyed that I had to go cry in the bathroom...


Anyway, I can't believe you actually think I'm annoyed:

<@EricT> i'm only continuing to make him continue
<8888888888> awesome
<88888888888> what a spaz
<@EricT> i did it with carrion, i'll do it with black rape
<88888888888> LOL yeah
<88888888888> lol
<888888888> that carrion thing had me lollin'
<@EricT> I have nothing better planned for tonight, haha
<@EricT> Max needs to start his journey though, god dammit
<@EricT> I have plans for that
<@EricT> speaking of carrion, thanks for bringing that up
<@EricT> gave the greatest idea to drive him nuts... ever
<888888888> hahah
<88888888> nice
<888888888 man.....
<8888888888> I bet he's as much fun to hang out with as a phone book
<88888888> DW?
<888888888> yeah
<88888888888> phone books have less information!
<88888888> just as wordy!

Names removed, of course. LOL.

SO... Annoyed.
<8888888888888888888> I dont see why you all dislike DW, other than his verbosity and his propensity for wanting to be right
<888888888888888> you ever argued with him?
<8888888888888> it's like getting caught in a fucking word tornade
<888888888888888> tornado
<8888888888888888888> I know plenty of people like that
<888888888888888> ok then
<88888888888888> all you have to do is be like "okay, this is gay"
<8888888888> yes we are
<88888888888> end arguement
<88888888888888> there's your answer
<88888888888> we are childish
<8888888888888> anything else?
<88888888888888> yeah, what purpose does it serve?
<8888888888> it passes the time :)
<8888888888888> since it's Internet: Serious Business (TM).
<88888888888888> it's like winning the special olympics

One person didn't understand you. He saw the light, eventually. :lol:
One more, just for fun!

<12345678901234> tl;dr
<66666666666655555534> Hopefully to get popcorn
<12121212121221212> its that simple
<44444444444444> We care! Entertainment!
<888888888888> yes
<55555555555555> poopcorn
<8888888888888> Riling him up s fun
<222222222222> is
* 7777777777777dips a thin mint in milk
<444444444444> he's like a trained bear now, he tl;drs on command
<2222222222> and bares his wordy teeth
<55555555555> haha
<666666666666> LOL words for teeth
<77777777777> rawrrr
<9999999999999> italy for a penis

I like that one.

God damn I'm annoyed!
That's fucking awesome, but not really for you. You actually had to resort to posting private conversations in order to "prove me wrong" or whatever. What's next, spreading rumors about me in study hall? Keep digging, Eric...say hello to the Chinese for me.

Just in case you need clarification, helping you people to see how small you really are is why I do it. When I post in threads like this, it's to show the rest of the board how sub-human and pathetic some of you really are. It's not that I'm trying to show you I'm right; I'm trying to show you that you're just an idiot. I guess that fact sailed waaaay over your heads for the past two years.

But on a serious note, I don't fraternize with the help. Get back to pruning my hedges.
Yep, and it's against the rules in this household for the Gardner (lol... I'm mexican?) to kiss the grape picker. Stop hitting on me, baby!

It actually is fucking awesome. Because it shows how truely ANNOYED I AM WITH YOU.

And they're not really private conversations. They're portrayals of my annoyance in chat form.
Oh noes! You're subtly (at least according to you) trying to get me to argue with you about it some more! When you tell jokes, do you repeatedly ask after the punchline, "Do you get it? Do you get it? Do you get it?"

The fun really never stops. Can you send me a postcard from the Great Wall?
Yep, and it's against the rules in this household for the Gardner (lol... I'm mexican?) to kiss the grape picker. Stop hitting on me, baby!

It actually is fucking awesome. Because it shows how truely ANNOYED I AM WITH YOU.

And they're not really private conversations. They're portrayals of my annoyance in chat form.

Ahhh, and now we scale it back a little bit. After repeatedly losing your shit to me, you realized, "Hmmm, maybe if I TYPE something a little off-character and more subtle than usual, I can possibly save what little face I have left." Seems I hit a nerve there, huh?

Seriously, log off. Tomorrow's another day. I'll let you create a THIRD topic if you want trying to fuck with me while your band of giggling girls talks shit on AIM if that makes you happy. I'll even let you win if that'll boost your self-esteem. That No Child Left Behind program isn't really working for you, is it?

Regroup, rest, and then come back when I don't have to speak in mono-syllables.