Hey everybody, Darkspot has two pussies!

YOU SAID EH! ACK! *throws popcorn* Yes, transformations of the popcorn variety.

I only want to fuck one of Darkspot's pussies. The other doesn't like people... but it doesn't mind animals! ;)

And I have to borrow my friend's penis, Happy, in order to do this, seeing as I am female.

Happy is a very good friend of mine. He is the best penis in the world.
haha with the new cd will bring lots of changes. tons more unregistered and non-regular types. this could be good or bad. probably bad.
oh shut up. without dumbass threads like this where would we the world be huh? ill tell ya where...ummm....well somewhere else thats where!
*throws popcorn at neal*
Shut the fuck up, you were the one who started a thread about how Buzz Lightyear cereal turned your shit green.
*throws popcorn at Amos*
You know you want both my pussies...
why are you throwing popcorn at me? was i the one that criticized the valadity of this thread? NO IT WASNT SUKKA! it was mister lord of the whinies!
well that was bizzare. aparently when i thought that i had clicked on the 'edit' button, i had in fact clicked on the 'quote' button. how bizzare, how bizzare.