Hey everybody, Darkspot has two pussies!

Sorry, but I get REALLY ruffled when people presume I should have done something they did, and get weird when I didn't.
heh, the word is 'inconceivable' just like the dude in the movie always says. but yeh im surprised you never caught it as a kid or saw it in school or somthing. its called 'the princess bride'.
No pun, she really has two pussies. :p And we know, every thread here always sucks, fuck us all, nothing will ever be good until a new album comes out. It's obvious. We're just trying to make light of a bad situation- a lack of new Nevermore-age. I may have a boring life, but I get to take Soma. Which is Amos backwards.

I'm off to microwave some more popcorn.