Hey ixrayu...

Glenn has been tolerant of many asshole'ish things over the years Hell, I've said a few things on here that were not popular, but they were taken at face value and life went on. Just being able to say..."man, this so and so band sucks and its why I'm not coming this year..." and knowing that the promoter is out there hearing your comments and in many cases responding, you don't get that anywhere elses!
I think we've all been at one time or another guilty of putting our foot in our mouth here on this forum. I just recently did it with my "hate the word prog already" comment. I explained what I meant as best I could in subsequent posts, but had I talked to Glenn in person over a brew instead of blathering it here, I believe he'd understand the gist of what I really meant. I apologize to you, Sensei, here for all to see. I was a dumbass in public, I will apologize in public. I've never seen such a fans first promoter and my moronic comment was uncalled for. Thank you for putting up with MY asshole-ish behavior, Glenn.:worship:
I'll assume you are referring to PPX. And while perhaps financially and logistically it was a "bad year", as far as I am concerned - creatively and musically - it was a banner year. Being one of the resident Fates fanboys, and a sporadic PP attendee (bonus points for me though, being at the first two... :-)) I have a slight bias, but all things considered, I had a BLAST at PPX. Even a high class festival like PP is entitled - and probably expected - to have fluxuations in rates of success on different levels (profit, attendance, technology issues, cancellations, etc) but the quality and passion of those involved is never in question. Well, at least from the vast majority of folks.

My guess is that the worst PP USA in terms of attendance was PP II. It was right after 9/11. It was before I was attending, but I'm not sure very many people flew the month afterwards. I know I would have had a hard time doing so. :(
My guess is that the worst PP USA in terms of attendance was PP II. It was right after 9/11. It was before I was attending, but I'm not sure very many people flew the month afterwards. I know I would have had a hard time doing so. :(

I will say it was FREAKY both on the plane and in the airport (not to mention the HUGE LINES to go through security)

That was my very first progpower though (aaahhh seeing ARK live :rock:)
I kind of feel that I don't have a right to comment about lineups since XI was my first PP. Hell, I only found out about it last year. Honestly, I didn't recognize a bunch of the bands for this year's lineup. I decided to educate myself about the bands before passing judgement. I'm damn glad I did. Even if I can't physically make it to PP from now until doomsday, I am damned sure going to buy a ticket every year even if I have to leave it up to Glenn to give my ticket to someone who would appreciate it. This festival deserves to survive.
Since I’m normally a lurker and don’t contribute much, if any, to the normal bantering and discussion regarding the previous 3 months of band bashing for PPXII, here’s my 2 cents worth:

The thing that interests me the most is hearing some of the bitching and whining about some of the bands that are announced on PP Friday night with the “I don’t like them” or "I never heard of them - they suck" or “I don’t care much for them” or “I don’t want to see them – next year’s show sucks” to the same people saying several months later “wow I checked out some of the songs and now I’m hooked” or “I hadn’t heard this CD before and yeah these guys are cool” or “I wish I’d heard about these guys sooner before I bashed them without knowing anything about them”.

For Christ’s sake just fucking grow up and give Glenn credit for bringing in bands that are:

A. someone you will never see again
B. someone you thought you would hate but you wound up shitting in your pants after their set was over
c. who cares, the set was fucking awesome even though I never heard one of their songs before (like DSO was for me)

Not trying to stir up trouble here but for all the hundreds of hours I’m sure Glenn puts in thinking about or actually spending time on the phone or the computer working up contracts, deals, programs, gold badge lists, etc., he doesn’t need to hear *$%!*^#%! second guessing his ability to pull off a show that 99% of us wind up having the time of our lives at year after year.
I love this comment from Glen:
I'm not taking the Steve Carlton path to retirement. Call me George Brett.:lol:

For this line up, I have a 2 new attendees, myself (Early 41st Birthday Present), and my friend Rich and his wife returning from Progpower 3 mainly because of Sanctuary, Mob Rules, Red Circuit, and Few I kept bitching about!

My friends and I have been to ProgPower 3, BWBK 1 and 2, Chicago Powerfest 2005 and 2006, Many drunken nights at previous NJ Metal Meltdowns where bands played, did not, or got screwed like Overkill at the Getto Cricket Club in the middle of Battlefield area where they order pizza with switchblades. (True Story).

But, out of all of that, this festival is on its 12th! Thats impressive and now there is a debate on the time of the sellout. It is incredible how much it has grown from 1 and 2! It has many diverse bands, cool people to meet, drink, learn, and laugh with! My attending Progpower 3 and being addicted to reading this forum influenced my decision to go to PP8 with my girlfriend! It also influenced my tastes in listening more bands like Threshold, Devin Townsend, Therion, and others I would not consider. I did not attend PP4. But, in reading reviews about Tad Murose, they influenced me to see them open for Ed Guy in NYC and go to Chicago for the first time to see them with Morgana Lefey 2005!

I am glad that this ProgPower thing is still solvent in this Harsh economy and also very relevant with a diverse lineup that challenges and excites the fans in America! Look at the 2 new tours. SymphonyX/Nevermore & Accept/Sabatton. There is alot of buzz going on for both these shows. In 1999, do you think Symphony X would have anyone really excited to travel to Best Buy in NYC, Philla, and Jaxx? I know they played Lamours around that time. But, I don't think they had the Buzz that they do now. This festival helped SX and now I guess Sabatton for the Accept show. Many are bitching about Sabatton. I have not heard them yet. But, I am looking forward to it! And I have heard and learned about them through this forum and this fest.

I am excited and looking forward to September! :rock:
My guess is that the worst PP USA in terms of attendance was PP II. It was right after 9/11. It was before I was attending, but I'm not sure very many people flew the month afterwards. I know I would have had a hard time doing so. :(

Yep, I'm certain Glenn was referring to PPUSA II. It had just moved to Atlanta from Chicago, much larger venue, people hadn't had a chance to see how awesome Earthlink Live (now Center Stage (again)) was as a venue for PPUSA, it was just two months after 9/11, and the lineup was more progressive than power.
Glenn basically lost his ass.
And then he took a HUGE gamble with PP III and got, e.g., Blind Guardian for their first-ever U.S. show and other big names in the power-metal world, and it sold out handily. :rock:
Like a few others, I was dissappointed when I heard this year's line up, but thanks to Troy (ixrayu), I have managed to become somewhat acquainted with most of the bands appearing this year. Have to say I'm excited about seeing about 90% of the bands. The other 10%, well I guess when their sets are finished I'll really know if I like them or not. The end result is the same: my ass will be in a seat there.
I have a very biased view toward PP anyway. It was the first festival /concert where band members didn't turn their backs, walk away and generally snubb the fans. I am very very prejudiced in favor of PP. Besides at PP X i won a VIP pass and got to hang out backstage. VERY VERY biased.
Because of this festival and good friends like Raymond Dowdell, who passed away 2 years ago this month and was a faithfull PP attendee, Troy(ixrayu) who is another of the ever faithfull I have been introduced to more incredible music then I imagined existed.
In closing. smoking HIGH 5's to Glenn for making the festival possible, good friends like Troy and Joel, I can hang with there. and o yeh work too.

Mike (rockme53)
I really thought PP 1.0 was going to be a one and done thing. I was looking forward to Evergrey & Nevermore. Nevermore cancelled, and Glenn got Symphony X. Worth taking the trip, just to see this unique show. About the only involvement I had in the "scene" (for lack of a better word) was the SY-X mailing list. Low & behold, a gaggle of us all met up at PP 1.0, and it was the first time I met a lot of those folks in person. Next thing I know, the second one is in Atlanta. Weird vibe with the air travel, and the security, but stronger friendships were formed, and hell, Earthliknk Live was an awesome place to see a show. It was easy to get to, you didn't need a car, and the growing crowd was just so damn cool to spend a long weekend with.

Never once did I bitch about the lineup, that I can remember (PoS sniping doesn't count! :heh:). I think the only foot in mouth moment was when I questioned Amorphis' ability to be a headliner. But I wasn't bitching. There is ALWAYS somthing to make the trip worth it, seeing my firends from all over the planet, meeting new ones, and the bands I was, or wasn't familiar with kicking my ass up & down when seeing them perform live.

As part of Glenn's crew, you bet I wave the PPUSA flag high, but it's not just because I'm an employee, it's because I TRULY love this festival, and the people who attend it. It's never a chore, it's still my main "vacation" every year, and I wouldn't change any of that for the world...I'll go to my grave with a brain full of great memories, courtesy of this festival.
c. who cares, the set was fucking awesome even though I never heard one of their songs before (like DSO was for me)

Mega Dittos from the listener in Rosa Linda...

Heck - I didn't buy any D*S*O music afterwards because they aren't my style, just like Therion isn't my "style"... but their show was AWESOME, just as I expect Therion's to be awesome.

As for the quality of the shows by bands I've never heard of: Sabaton, Orphaned Land, Tyr, DGM... Not sure how often I will get a chance to see some of these guys without hopping on a plane or in my car.

Blackguard, on the other hand...
As for the bet, you are going to have bring a bit more to the party. I'm willing to put up $126 ($140 if you count TM charges) per year and tell the world how awesome of a guy you are if you are right. You just want to give me $100 if I'm right? Seems a bit out of balance....

Methinks that speaks volumes about each person's level of confidence in their stance.... :lol:
The worst thing about you as a poster is that on top of your large grandiose assumptions and exclamations is that when you're wrong and/or called out you still argue when you have no knowledge of the issue at hand WHATSOEVER dude. You're welcome to your opinion, and it's all good fun to have a discussion with you on how much you suck at business strategies and economics (:lol:), but when you're complete and utterly wrong you need to cut your textual losses and own it hoss.

The irony is that Glenn himself said he had the ticket audits to show that it IS broken and yet you still harp on with your need to see the same old bands over and over. I mean first of all, as a fan, doesn't that get boring as fuck? Why would you spend 100+ bucks to see Kamelot every year? That just sounds ridiculous to me.

Um would Evergrey not fit into that "same old bands over and over"? I like the band but come on same thing here.
Ok toss your rocks. :lol:
Um would Evergrey not fit into that "same old bands over and over"? I like the band but come on same thing here.
Ok toss your rocks. :lol:

No, they wouldn't, and here's why. Every time they play Progpower, they do something very special. Something that they rarely, if ever, do anywhere else. The exception to this, I think, as I wasn't there, would be PPUSA 1 and 2. Probably nothing special here, with the exception of the fact that they were actually playing the US. Enter PPUSA 4, sure, nothing really special here, but they were playing to a much bigger audience now, and this is excusable, as Glenn IS an Evergrey fanboy. Let's consider this their real first PPUSA, as the reputation of the festival had become solidified at this point. PPUSA 7, Evergrey comes with an orchestra and choir. "An Evening with Evergrey". Never done in the states before, and probably will never be done again (on that scale). Don't want to know how much it cost Glenn, and for myself, not even being a big Evergrey fan, this show was magical. Present day, PPUSA 12. They are playing, what is arguably, their fan favorite album (perhaps tied with Recreation Day). To my knowledge, and perhaps a real Evergrey fan can correct me or validate this for me, but they have never done this album in it's entirety before. Granted, they HAVE played PPUSA more times than any other band, but they don't play every year, and in fact, out of the 12 years, this will only be their 5th performance, so I would say playing at roughly 40% of the years is not too bad. Glenn is a fanboy, and they get asses in seats as they are very popular with this crowd. He's just giving the people what they (and he) want.
No, they wouldn't, and here's why. Every time they play Progpower, they do something very special. Something that they rarely, if ever, do anywhere else. The exception to this, I think, as I wasn't there, would be PPUSA 1 and 2. Probably nothing special here, with the exception of the fact that they were actually playing the US. Enter PPUSA 4, sure, nothing really special here, but they were playing to a much bigger audience now, and this is excusable, as Glenn IS an Evergrey fanboy. Let's consider this their real first PPUSA, as the reputation of the festival had become solidified at this point. PPUSA 7, Evergrey comes with an orchestra and choir. "An Evening with Evergrey". Never done in the states before, and probably will never be done again (on that scale). Don't want to know how much it cost Glenn, and for myself, not even being a big Evergrey fan, this show was magical. Present day, PPUSA 12. They are playing, what is arguably, their fan favorite album (perhaps tied with Recreation Day). To my knowledge, and perhaps a real Evergrey fan can correct me or validate this for me, but they have never done this album in it's entirety before. Granted, they HAVE played PPUSA more times than any other band, but they don't play every year, and in fact, out of the 12 years, this will only be their 5th performance, so I would say playing at roughly 40% of the years is not too bad. Glenn is a fanboy, and they get asses in seats as they are very popular with this crowd. He's just giving the people what they (and he) want.

So Glenn being a fan of a band makes the difference of a band getting old and boring? Got ya.:rolleyes: And seeing a the same band over and over again to a fan who is not Glenn should get old. Ok I believe I'm picking up on the followers of Glenn logic a little bit
So Glenn being a fan of a band makes the difference of a band getting old and boring? Got ya.:rolleyes: And seeing a the same band over and over again to a fan who is not Glenn should get old. Ok I believe I'm picking up on the followers of Glenn logic a little bit

You obviously didn't read a %$&@(!! thing I said. Or was it that you CAN'T read anything I said? Either way, either re-read it, or have someone read it to you.
Glenn I personally think this is one of the best line ups yet and I think you have really opened up the festival as far as bringing in a broaden selection of bands. I myself had no issue with the fest. Was hoping the first two shows would have been a bit different but whatever.
To be honest though in the exception of the few people I come down with most people I would over hear last year did not like the line up and had issues with it. I believe even the forum here was showing that as well. But who cares right? I think it is the best line up since the first fest I saw which was II. And like that year this years line up varies more than any other year it seems.
So Glenn being a fan of a band makes the difference of a band getting old and boring? Got ya.:rolleyes: And seeing a the same band over and over again to a fan who is not Glenn should get old. Ok I believe I'm picking up on the followers of Glenn logic a little bit

There is a huge difference between your Symphony X's and your Kamelot's and your Sonata Arctica's doing a regular headlining set and Evergrey doing worldwide exclusive sets.