Hey Mikael

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i am. you are not. would you like it if i created a false persona trying to be popular by saying im dutch or whereever you are from? you are mocking my people, my country and aspects of its culture. its offensive.
Look before i contine typing I want to make one thing abundantly clear, Pethical, i think you're alright.

But please do fuck off! So the guy's made an Australian internet persona, bizarre as it may be, he's do no one any harm. If his sig was something like I hate Oz 'cause it full of theiving sons of whores and convicts, fair enough, abusive (although very funny).

But please, a few sterotypical Aussie phrases and a picture of Steve Erwin? Keep your hair on.
it just pisses me off because it furthers the "Australian" stereotype. i am not spitting chips, im just a bit peeved. steve irwin, " 'stralia" and animal planet make it seem like all of Australia is a wasteland and that we are all like steve irwin. for the foreigners that don't know much about Australia, this is the perception they get. sorry if i'm going overboard, i'm just having a rant.
Every country has stereotypes, if I were you I'd appreciate the fact that the one Deitric is presentig happens to a playful tongue in cheek one, but i'm not so how you deal with this is up to you I guess.

As for animal planet, he's probably mad keen into zoology or something.
Yeah, apparently everyone from England has rotting/huge teeth and we're all ugly and wear tweed suits and watch cricket etc etc, every country gets a stereotype, I think its funny.. maybe you just need to not take it as a personal insult. (Or As You say - bite your tongue :()
pethical i think u got some sand stuck up in ur vagina, please remove it before i lose my mind thx.

edit: congrats u just got in my sig for a load of crap
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
Hi guys!

Yes, I do talk a lot of bollocks on stage, but only if I feel like it and it's spontaneous. I especially like when I say something that I think is funny, but nobody else gets it. So it's dead silent. One of my fave lines was "Did you know that psychopaths are most likely to drive a blue BMW"? Dead silence!

I HATE the whole shallow shit like "Come on", "Hey, hey, hey", "Let me see your hands"...etc. I either talk like a prick or I don't talk at all. I was never a gentleman in the past, I just wasn't interested in saying anything. But after 100's of shows something happened, I guess I got bored with..."Thanks, next song is....."

If you're offended by my talk or you think I fucking suck...get in line! I say what I wanna say in the same sense as I play what I wanna play. As for the most part I've seen a positive reaction to the inbetween song talk. And even though I say things like "Cock", there are also some profound moments...I guess....


Totally right.
Loved the whole last show ya guys did in Madrid.
Axenrot also ruled!
I go to concerts only for Mikael's banter, not for that other rubbish about forests or whatever.

(jk, keep up the banter and the great music, Mikael. It's what makes Opeth unique, and their concerts an extraordinary event.)
I remember Mike saying in an interview that he got inspired by teh Devin Townsend on this... and thank god :lol: it really brings a whole new dimension to the gigs and makes them more interesting!
The thread is dead, but let me make just one comment.

It's a matter of taste, but I do think Mikael is funny just because he is not funny. That is the thing.
MA pisses me off cause he can sing the soft parts and growl the heavy parts and play the difficult guitar parts all in the same moment. Unearthly.
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