Hey Morganna.

Thanks for all the love Kvlt. :p

hahhaha, I didn't expect all this attention! What a pleasant surprise :D

Seriously though, I have to go to bed, I was just checking real fast to see whats going on tonight.

But I will say this for now, big hugs to all that like me, and hugs to all that don't.

I am hopelessly myself, I am giggly and type 51wpm. So I do have the tendency to (LOL) allot. :) I will continue to be myself without any permission. But, I don't expect everyone to like me where ever I go.
I used to do 70 before I sarded and reverted to a hybrid no-look touchtype. Too lazy to retake lessons.
Video needed! Nah, if I'd have stuck with it, I probably could be around there. But, I reallllly don't see it as essential.
The biggest problem is that I make a shit-load of errors on tests because they strain me to use a typing style (as in personal communication style) I either don't use or don't like. The fact they intentionally fuck with you is why I said SARD and refused to progress.
lol fridge

The hairs on the back of my neck just bristled. That paragraph looks like a traffic jam to me.
Man that's gay, those other ones look fairly easy, I got this sumbitch.

SERAPION. Portents and prodigies have grown so frequent, That they have lost their name. Our fruitful Nile Flowed ere the wonted season, with a torrent So unexpected, and so wondrous fierce, That the wild deluge overtook the haste Even of the hinds that watched it: Men and beasts Were borne above the tops of trees, that grew On the utmost margin of the water-mark. Then, with so swift an ebb the flood drove backward, It slipt from underneath the scaly herd: Here monstrous phocae panted on the shore; Forsaken dolphins with their broad tails, Lay lashing the departing waves.
