Hey, Mr Dane!


Grey Eminence
Sep 30, 2005
Edinburgh, U.K.
If you're out and about in Bonnie Scotland before the gig this Saturday, I'd very much like to meet you for some food, which would inevitably mean haggis, neeps and tatties, washed down with Irn Bru and hookers (if they present themselves).

Either way, I'll be at the show, acting gay for Nevermore - So regardless of whether I can touch your sweaty mitts(:zombie:), post-show, all the best on this tour with Disturbed, I looking forward to it very muchly.

And to the rest of you, I know these threads are gay, but we're not all Will, with WD on speed-dial, so they are a necessity.

I'll eat haggis. Plan is to walk Hadrian's Wall in 2007.


I hope WD has a strong stomach!
Iris said:
I'll eat haggis. Plan is to walk Hadrian's Wall in 2007.


I hope WD has a strong stomach!

I'm sure you are more than aware that Hadrians wall was built with the prime intention of keeping the rowdy Scot's out of Roman Britain. It's quite the achievement to be the only chunk of the known world (at the time) never to be even a little subjugated by the Romans. Tacitus apparently thought we were the most crazy of barbarians. :)

Plus, yeah, Haggis, neeps and tatties for the win!
derek said:
If you're out and about in Bonnie Scotland before the gig this Saturday, I'd very much like to meet you for some food, which would inevitably mean haggis, neeps and tatties, washed down with Irn Bru and hookers (if they present themselves).

Irn Bru is the absolute best non-alcoholic drink ever!