Hi all Vintersorg freaks!

It was no acquired taste for me when I first heard Vintersorg. I recall hearing bits and pieces of it at this music store I shop at and they didn't have the cd. It took a year before I found it. I fell in love with it upon first listen.
Hail Winter-Frost!

Thanx for the b-day wish! I had a good one. Mom took me out to lunch and then I saw 2 foreign films. One was fantastic while the other one sucked, but it was definitely a nice time I had.:)
Happy B-Day Soulstress :)

I actually heard Norrland first, I loved it. The language barrier was wierd but the music was so enthralling and beautiful at the same time that I couldnt help but be hooked.
Hiya Darksoustress :) (Darkest skies from the Braveboard here!!)

I've seen Vintersorg live in Montreal this late summer. God it was great!!!! i was at the second row, and time passed too fast!!!! i could take a pic with him after the show !! (i felt like a groupie !! :lol: ) That man is amazing!!! how such great music can come from a human being?!!

Lucky you getting the chance to see Vintersorg in Montreal. I would've had my chance too if I had gone to the NJ Festival last year. I sure hope they will play out this year. I must see this band live. I would love to meet Vintersorg! You are so lucky!:)
Final Vision:

Hey dude! Thanx for the b-day wish. You know, I prefer Vintersorg singing in their native tongue? I think it's got a better feel to their music? Not that it's not any good in English, but I love the sound of bands singing in their native tongue. It adds so much more depth, IMO.
Ds: totally agree with you about the singing in native language. That just sounds, so... so. well, cool, but something more too :) swedish language is so awesome to hear also!!! I wish more band would sing in their own language once in a while.
dont get me wrong, I love ALL of Vintersorgs work, but I cant connect as well to his Swedish songs as well as songs on Cosmic Genesis, just because I cant pronounce the names or the names arent in English so I dont remember them as well hehe. I love the music so I dont really care, tho the music does have more beauty when Vintersorg is singing in Swedish it seems.......
Hello, This is my first post on this forum. Vintersorg is great. I've been listening to it nonstop since I first found out about it. (A few months ago) I also notice the man himself post here, which is very cool.
fuck my b-day was yesterday and i had no wishes ! hehe honestly i don't care and still , happy b-day darksoulstress !
Originally posted by winter-frost
Woops didn't see it was your birthday OceanbarD, don't usually check those things to much! Hope you had a good one! What did you do for it?

hehe i must admit that i don't check these either ! :cry: well
i didnt party much , it was a day like others beside somes gifts and a card...i dosen't need special occasions to party ;)