Hi all Vintersorg freaks!

@Ocean Happy B-Day man! You can all wish me happy B day 2 months from tommorow!

@Urizen Welcome (damn we got a lot of new members lately!)

@Algol well the name of this thread kinda attracts new comers so Ill let it be, my DT thread doesnt work to well anyway ;)
uhmmmmm well I'm new to this forum....
I'm not new to vintersorg though....
ehmm shit, I don't know what to say...

fathervic (goes for another coke)
hehehheheh see some of you have been lurching (or not lurching) on the DT forum then.....
and no, coke IS the only one (and do not disagree with me or I'll cry, I'm a sensitive guy :loco: )

Oh! yep, I'm speechless.....I've seen a lot of "Hi I'm new" posts and had never wrote mine....so I guess I ran out of topics...
I thought, may I post about my musical faves, nah! that's too obvious, let's say some hobbies, nah!!! that's for dumbs...., the size of my underpants?? oh no, they'll think I'm a weirdo or something.....what about saying just "Hi" and when I was about to do it, I got blankminded.....I just got nervous and tangled in my own cellbrain orgy....
well I'll stop my ramblind and I'll try to keep and eye and a half here....
take care all of you and fear pepsi!
Originally posted by FatherVic
hehehheheh see some of you have been lurching (or not lurching) on the DT forum then.....
and no, coke IS the only one (and do not disagree with me or I'll cry, I'm a sensitive guy :loco: )

Oh! yep, I'm speechless.....I've seen a lot of "Hi I'm new" posts and had never wrote mine....so I guess I ran out of topics...
I thought, may I post about my musical faves, nah! that's too obvious, let's say some hobbies, nah!!! that's for dumbs...., the size of my underpants?? oh no, they'll think I'm a weirdo or something.....what about saying just "Hi" and when I was about to do it, I got blankminded.....I just got nervous and tangled in my own cellbrain orgy....
well I'll stop my ramblind and I'll try to keep and eye and a half here....
take care all of you and fear pepsi!

Good to have you FatherVic, Coke no, Pepsi no, Beer YES!:p
so it was you the lady dancing on the mud huh?????
I have a picture of that "monster" if I can find it I'll post it here....
and oh! how rude of me, to the ones who have welcomed me, thanx, and to the ones who haven't welcomed me, thanx.
take care
This is not necessarily a reply
but I just wanted to say hi
and I hope I'm welcome to the forum
I,I'm not sure of the decorum, but
oh, well
what the hell:muahaha: !