Hi I'm new here:-)


New Metal Member
Oct 7, 2002
Hiya all,

I'm Niek from Holland, 22 years old and into rock/metal since my 12th year. I'm open minded towards many many styles from progressive rock to technical black to 80's wave music.

My fave's include Evergrey,Tori Amos, Savatage, Dark TranQuillity, Ram Zet, In Flames, Fields of The Nephilim, Nick Cave, Morgana Lefay, Eternity X, Enchant, Death Angel, Tears For Fears, Opeth, Katatonia, Sentenced, Anathema, ANTIMATTER!!, Queensryche, Flowing Tears, Tiamat, Dream Theater, Fates Warning, Soilwork, Marillion, Rush, Helstar, Anacrusis and many many more...

I'd like to discuss about new & old music, philosophy, life, everything...

Hope to find some people here who are open minded aswell and
do not feel hate for the styles they do not like...respect anyone's interest in music.

But FUCK nu-metal hehe;-)
Originally posted by GazerOfStars
I'd like to discuss about new & old music, philosophy, life, everything...
sounds fine :) maybe you start a good discussion somewhere! (but please, not on the opeth off-topic-forum cos I'd like to participate too :heh: :p ;) )